1910s: Josephine turns 15 and Anna Leaves for University
A weekend runs by fast, and on Sunday it's finally (or so Anna and Josephine thinks, if for entirely different reasons) it's time for Josephine to age up. As usual both family members and kids of the neighborhood has been invited to the festivities, which takes place unusually early to make sure Anna has time to catch her train to Britechester. Anna can barely wait to leave, and Josephine can barely wait to age up. As soon as everyone has arrived, she blows out the candles on her cake.

Meet Josephine, now a teenager, and aptly named it turned out as she is the one of the children who looks most like her father, especially around the eyes.
The party goes over well. She opens presents, socialize with the other teens and kids in the neighborhood, and eat cake.

For Anna it's a chance to say goodbye to her family, as she is ready to leave. As soon as the party is over, she is on the first train out of Willow Creek. She's not alone. Elizabeth Chandler, Betty (not to be confused with Elizabeth Byron, Alice's "friend"), is already waiting for her when she arrived. "I saved a bed for you," she says.

Britechester is beautiful, but different from what Anna had expected. She writes home to her sister.

Dear Alice,
The way Frank described it you were two or possibly three in a room. Here we're six sharing a dorm. It's a lot of girls in one place! But it's nice as well to have people around. I met a few of the girls so far. They seem nice. It does take some getting used to sharing a bathroom, however. There are three showers next to each other. No privacy.
Britechester itself is beautiful! You'll love it here when it's your turn. Just taking a walk around the University campus is amazing. So much to see and look at. Frank wasn't exaggerating that. I ran into George in the commons, already getting a move on the homework. I suppose I should too if I want to stay on top of things. So much homework already, and the term doesn't even start officially until tomorrow! The commons is nice, and has fairly decent food (though not like the one Dolly makes! I'll miss her cooking!).
I already managed to get into trouble! You know how I am, when I get wrapped up in something I forget all about time. Well, I returned to the dorm no later than 9:30, when Miss Tanner, the dorm manager, chewed me out for being late. Not even mother is that strict! We're expected back no later than 9pm each night, for some quiet time before bedtime which is promptly at 10pm. Every night! Even weekends. And boys are severely frowned upon though they are allowed to visit on occasion, if you register them first. Mother and father were so worried about everything from alcohol to boys, but seriously, they had nothing to worry about when Miss Tanner is around. I don't know what I expected. More freedom? To be making my own decisions? But I suppose it's just for a few semesters, then I'm my own and can do what I want. The study area is nice here at Wyvern, as is the sitting room. There is almost as many books as at home.
I miss you terribly! Tell mother and father I miss them. I'll write them in a day or two, when the classes have started properly.
Your loving sister,

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