1910s: In Which Anna and Alice Corresponds
Dearest Anna,
It gave me such pleasure to read your letter, and I cannot wait to hear more about life at university! I implore you to write to our parents soon, they are, per usual, sick with worry about you and learning more about Miss Tanner is bound to set their minds at ease.
Nothing much has happened here that you would not know of. Madison turned two, as you well known. She's walking and everything now. She looks so much like her mother. It was strange not to have you here for the occasion, and even stranger to think that you will miss Melanie's birthday too. Five! Time to start school. Ida is so proud, you wouldn't believe it. Or maybe you would, it is Ida after all.
I almost forgot, I have news! I got promoted to line learner in the drama club! Mum and dad has barely noticed. I thought they'd be much more attentive when you left, but I suppose with you at university they cannot say much about me acting. At least not as long as it's a school activity. I do not want to know what they'll say when they realise this is more than just an after school past time.
I'm enclosing a photograph of Madison. Please write soon. And write to mother and father. I mean it.
All my love,

I do apologize for not writing to you sooner, but my schedule has been hectic. I am settling in well and Miss Tanner, the dorm manager, is keeping a stern eye on us. We have clear curfews, and go to bed early. Not that we would have energy for much more with the schedule they have given us.
The dorms are nice and comfortable and there is a study room and a drawing room so we have plenty of things to do here. The commons are good for studying and eating our meals and there is a wonderful public garden right outside the library that we as biology students are expected to tend to.
I have been spending a lot of time with Elizabeth Chandler who is also here, and have run into George Addington on occasion. Both send their best.
I hope you are well back home, and that you'll let me know how things are going. Did you have a nice fourth of July? No one celebrated much here, we were all too busy studying. I hope to have more to tell you soon, and give my best to everyone else. Especially remember to wish Melanie the best of birthdays on Monday. I miss you all very much.
Your faithful daughter,

Now I've done what you asked and written to our parents. I hope that keeps them calm. And what is this about Line learner? That's great! Congratulations. I just know you will be such a good actress if that is what you choose to do. I hope there is an acting organization for you here by then. I haven't heard of any, but otherwise you'll just have to start your own.
Speaking of university organizations, summer semesters are so strange. Not only did we have classes on the fourth of July. I'm not joking, we did! And then all organizations seem to be a fall and spring thing only. Remember how Frank told us about the debate team? Well I was so hoping to join, and the schedule say they are supposed to meet, but when I got there no one was there! Same with the art meeting! I know Betty wanted to join that organization. It's almost enough to make me wish I had waited until the fall term and gone with you! Almost.
I know I couldn't have lived inactive back home with only mother to hover over me wishing for me to find a good husband. I know she means well, I really know she does, and she is looking out for my security and happiness, but I think I'd perish if I was stuck in Willow Creek my whole life!
But your letter told me nothing about you other than your acting. Have things got better, or more strange, with Lizzie Byron? Do you know what you want yet? And how about your Independence day? Did you spend it at some stuffy old ball with the Duncans with mother trying to pair you up with any eligible young man in town?
As I told you we had classes, but Betty and I found this beach area down behind the campus, and went there after class. We hung out, had a picnic, did homework and I took a swim in the river. It was freezing cold, but invigorating. We had even gotten hold of some fireworks that we let off. No one caught us at it, so it was all good.
And then I snuck out. I know I shouldn't have, but do not think for a second that I will stay here for four terms and not once visit that pub Frank spoke about! So I went. What better day than a holiday right?
Well it turns out I was by far the only one, and it started out fine. I tried some strawberry nectar, and it was nicer than I expected. But I had fun. Well until out of the blue George kissed me. Yes, you read that right, he just kissed me! And I might have had a bit too much nectar because I was too shocked to even slap him for his audacity. Or at least stop him before it was too late.
I have to admit that I am at a loss at how to handle the situation. I mean it's George! I've known him since we were six years old, and it was strange enough when he tried to flirt with me that one time, and now this? What if he tells someone? And no, I don't mean like ruin my reputation, I trust him not to do anything of the kind, but I am worried that he might read too much into the act. What if he tells his parents? What if they tell ours? Mother would start to plan our wedding before I could cry out no! Oh it must not happen!
I know I need to talk to him, but I have to admit I've been behaving like a coward and just avoided him all together. I know what you will say! Talk to him. I will, I promise! I cannot let this go further, or for him to think... whatever it is he might be thinking. It's not fair on him or me, and I will not be lured into marrying George because I had too much nectar once! Perhaps father was right about alcohol after all. I think I shall do better without it, temperance and all that. And I'll talk to George.
Oh Alice I so wish you were here to talk to! Betty is fantastic, but there are things I just cannot tell her.
Do write me back, and let me know what is going on with you, and with everyone else, and especially with Lizzie Byron. Oh stop blushing! I can see you all the way to Britechester!
All my love,

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