Gen 2: Frank (the alcoholic)
Frank, the first born son of Joseph, thrived when Abigail came into the house. While old enough to remember a time before she was there, he was still too young to truly remember his mother Ruth. For all intents and purposes Abigail was his mother, and his children all consider her to be their grandmother.
When Frank became a teenager, he fell madly in love with Emily Duncan, the rich beautiful politicians daughter. Luckily she fell in love with him too, and the married as soon as they were allowed. The first few years were hard, because Frank needed to finish his university education while Emily lived with his parents, but they were happy, and their first son was born during this time.
But it was also during his college years that Frank became a bit too fond of alcohol. It didn't seem a problem at first, and when he returned home it didn't seem a problem at all, at first. But as he rose in the ranks as a politician, late nights out became the norm, not the occasion, and with it came more drinking. As their second son was born, Frank wanted to be at home more, but it was just so boring! Emily could talk of little but the house and the children, and out there... well it was fun, exciting, and he was the center of attention.
As Frank's addiction got deeper, his mood swings worse, the marriage deteriorated fast. Soon the only time he spent any time with his wife was when they were fighting, or when he came home late, woke her up, woohooed and fell asleep snoring next to her. That led to child number three, four and five. And to his wife resenting him. When she started saying no, Frank had a mid-life crises, and so he turned to other women who could give him what his wife no longer could. When alcohol was banned, he turned to brewing his own, and later to selling it getting involved in local crime.
His fall from grace was swift and hard. Police knocked on his door, found his equipment, his notes and his contracts. He ended up in jail awaiting trial and had to pay hefty fines for tax-evasion and bootlegging. He narrowly avoided prison. When he returned home Emily had sent his mistress packing, tossed out his equipment and gotten a job. A part of him resented her. A part of him was very attracted to this new, take charge, version of her.
Life did get better, and late in life the two ended up with one more child, just as their older children started having children of their own. Still, Frank has his relapses, and Emily chews him out for them. It's a balance and they take it day by day.
Emily dies suddenly on Thanksgiving night, 1954. Even though they're marriage was not the best, Frank mourns the loss of his wife as his children mourn the loss of the mother who was always there for them. Franks last years are lonely ones. His children had close ties with their mother, but not with him, and he only sees them on major holidays, and around him people are starting to die. First James, then Ida, until it's only he who is left. Finally, in late 1957, Frank dies alone in his bed. His funeral is a quiet affair, as he's laid to rest next to his wife.
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