1890s: Getting Married


As spring starts to turn into summer, Abigail is finally getting married! 

The wedding was set to Saturday, so it's been a week of preparations. It started with a holiday service on Easter Sunday. As I've played the active service several times now, I opted for sending the family through the rabbit hole this time. After church, the family visited the park, where Frank met and played with Mathias Bradshaw, and Ida kept befriending the local rabbit. 

All in all it was a very pleasant Easter Sunday. On Monday, it was Ida's first day of school. She got ready by washing up in her new wash bowl in her room, with certain...unforeseen consequences: 

Luckily she was quite alright even after merging with the dresser (I love CC but they don't always work as intended). For Abigail it became a day of learning about what a soon to be former governess does with her time when there are no kids in the house. She decided to learn how to paint.

She also played the piano, knitted, cross-stitched, and was generally bored until the kids came home. Once they did, Abigail is happy again as she supervises their homework:

And Joseph comes home with good news. He's been promoted:

When the kids are done with their homework Frank is sent outside to play with Mathias, while Ida got to practice her piano and start learning how to knit. You know, the useful skills in life for girls.

Meanwhile, things were heating up in the Whittaker household. Joseph was finding this waiting to be married business harder as the wedding got closer. Abigail was not finding it easy to resist, and didn't seem to actually mind the attention.

There were times when I thought they'd were flirting so heavily that they'd end up woohooing on their own (I have autonomous woohooing turned on), but they were both good, and would spontaneously feel a strong need to judge some decor or clean already clean objects (that they have a maid to clean anyway) every time things got intense. As they are getting married and going on their honeymoon, Abigail interviewed a possible replacement for the governess position:

It seemed to go well until the kids came home to meet her and it turned out that she had a viscous mean streak and subjected Ida to it almost immediately. Abigail told her to get out.

She spoke to Joseph about the difficulty in finding someone.

"Why don't we just ask my sister to stay while we're away?" he said. Abigail has not met Joseph's sister yet, but the night before the wedding Mary arrived.

She seemed more than a bit suspicious of Abigail:

In fact the two did not get along at all:

Abigail took her refuge on the second floor teaching Ida cross stitching:

When night came around it was thought that Abigail and Mary would share a bed until Abigail can share Joseph's. But Mary went to sleep refusing to sleep next to Abigail, who had to resign to sleep downstairs with the maid. Ahh well, it's only for one night.

Finally, the big day is here, and Abigail is trying on her wedding dress: 

They are wed in Willow Creek Church, with the reverend as officiant, Ida as flower girl, and Frank as ring bearer:

The reception is at their house and they cut their cake together:

And when everyone has left, they finally get to do what they have been wanting to do, trying to have a baby:

Tomorrow they are leaving for their honeymoon. (On a side note, I'm never ever playing a wedding from MWS again! I'll use the good old fashioned ceremony, they at least worked as intended!)


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