Gen 3 - Arthur (the NASA-scientist)

Born in a damp and infested apartment in San Myshuno in the midst of the depression, Arthur, the second youngest child of Josephine and Nash, was always a skinny child more prone to reading than playing outdoors. As one of five siblings, there wasn't always that much attention to go around, especially during the harder years in San Myshuno and Chestnut Ridge, and so Arthur quickly learnt to entertain himself in a world of fantasy and books. 

When Anna saved the family from financial ruin, Arthur flourished, but in another way than his siblings. While they were outside, playing with the animals and enjoying the sunshine, Arthur was more interested in the well stacked bookcases and aunty Anna's lectures about archaeology and tales of her discoveries in the jungle and mountains. 

Apart from books, Arthur loved the radio shows of his childhood. Captain Midnight and Buck Rogers were his favourites and he dreamed of one day help shape the future. As he grew older and started Oasis Springs High, that fascination turned into a fascination for anything related to space and flight. Early on he knew he wanted to help develop faster better planes. 

But as he graduated high school, the Korean war got in the way. Before he could even start university, he was drafted and sent off to war. Not a pilot, but an ordinary soldier, fighting an enemy he didn't understand in a country he didn't know. He hated every moment of it, grew more and more reclusive, and barely wrote home at all during the entire ordeal. When he finally returned home, he was even skinnier than when he left, and suffered moments of great melancholy. 

In spite of his mental health issues, Arthur applied and was accepted to Foxbury to study physics. Arthur loved university, and threw himself into his studies to the point where his dormmates would have to force him to come out of his shell every so often to get him to stop studying. It was hard work, and very little play, but it paid off with the job of his dreams at NACA High Speed-flight station and a move to Strangerville*. 

There he once more immersed himself in work, neglecting family and friends and, what his mother found much worse, failing to find a girlfriend and get married. Josephine din't need to worry, however. As a friend and colleague dies, Arthur stats visiting his widow and children. What at first starts out as a means to help out in a time of need over time becomes something more, and as the 1950s turn into the 1960s, the now 30-year-old Arthur asked Claudia to be his wife. A year later they married and Claudia Wolfe became Claudia "Audie" Sinclair. 

* For Arthur's activities during his first year in Strangerville and if you don't mind mixing in some extra terrestial elements into an otherwise very realistic historic family tale, feel free to read the one-shot spinoff: Arthur's Strangreville Mysteries. 


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