1910s: But She's Your Friend!


After that last monster post, I think I have made the decision to divide the weeks instead of one post per sim week. There is simply too much going on at once. So, from now on, the idea, at least, is to post more often, and a little update at the time. Starting with the first half of this week. 

It started quite normally, with the kids at school, William crawling around after the cat and Abigail using his nap time to visit what she considers to be her grandchildren. 

Then one night, Anna had enough of Alice's whining and insisted she'd invite Elizabeth over. "But I can't!" Alice protested. "Of course you can, you're friends!" Anna insisted. Said and done, Alice invited both Elizabeth and Caroline over, so "it wouldn't be obvious". I think Anna rolled her eyes at this (or you know, if Sims could). Both Elizabeth and Caroline came over, and stayed for dinner. At first it was Anna keeping the conversation going as Alice was far too tense.

But as the conversation kept going, and Elizabeth kept trying to talk to her, she could not not speak to her. Eventually, Alice could barely stop talking to her. As they moved into the living room, Anna quietly slipped upstairs, leaving the three girls downstairs to fend for themselves. Alice's tense mood turned into a smile by the end of the night.

On Wednesday it was time for both Edward and William to become toddlers, which meant all the family gathering with ensuring chaos of babies needing their sleep, and toddlers being hungry and a cat who ran away leaving all the kids in the family sad in the middle of the party. And it started out so quietly... 

No matter how chaotic the dinner ended up being, both William and Edward did turn into toddlers. William, with his short dark hair, is inquisitive and a light sleeper that is prone to wake up in the middle of the night. Edward with his blond locks is clingy, loves being carried and a bit more reserved. Here they are:


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