1910s: Edward and William's birthday and an updated family tree
As the week ends together with the year 1913, Alice and Anna are spending as much time as they can get away with before the boys' birthday party. They talk, cloudgaze and dream about their future. Tomorrow it's Alice's turn to leave for university, as Anna tries to figure out what to do with her life, but today they're just two sisters watching the sky.

Soon enough, however, they need to head inside, as the entire family and all the kids in the neighborhood fill up the house for the boys birthday party. Joseph plays the violin, Abigail reads to the youngest kids, there is food and cake and as soon as they can get away with it, young Edward and William sneak away to play by themselves in William's room. Who need other kids when you have each other?

For Abigail this is a strange birthday. On the one hand she's proud of her little boy, on the other it will be the first time in almost twenty years that there will be no babies or toddlers either in the house or on the way. What will she do with all her time? Charity work? Temperance movement? Help Emily? She is almost as clueless as her daughter.
But here are our two birthday boys:
And here is an updated family tree:

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