1910s: John Ages Up


With Edward and William now toddlers, it was time for John to have a real birthday and become a boy! Having learnt everything he can as a toddler, he was so ready and eager to start school! Emily had invited kids from the entire neighborhood, and had decorated the table with cake and food:

When the guests arrived, the hallway quickly filled up with both adults, children and toddlers:

The adults and children ate at the table, the toddlers in the sofa. Virginia hopes there won't be too much for her to clean up after them when they're done.

Then it was time to blow out the candles:

And go from toddler to schoolboy. Meet John Whittaker, a glutton with an eagerness to have as many friends as possible:

Frank returned home from work when John had already aged up, and headed straight for the bar. He did find the time to compliment his son on his birthday, and even sat down to speak with him for a while. John was elated that his father would give him of his valuable time!

But as fun as it is to have a party, it's also tiring. For both boy and mother:

Frank let his boy sleep for a while, then woke him up and sent him to bed, before going up himself to wake up Emily. He's been a good boy today and stayed at home. He falls asleep pleasantly satisfied, while Emily falls asleep embarrassed by the low quality woohooing after discovering a new 'unflirty' personality trait. Probably not the effect Frank was after.


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