1910s: Frank's and Emily's not so happy marriage


As John skips happily away to school the next morning, Emily is enjoying the first warm day of spring in her new garden. With Frank's position, they can now finally fix up the garden to be more than just some empty space. Emily goes all in, planning a garden of winding paths, several water features and lots of lush vegetation - all according to the newest trends in gardening where straight lines are shunned and large flower beds of repeating plants are favoured. 

Edward is enjoying the new garden too:

When John returns home from school, he has news. They were talking about this new organisation in school, started in 1907 in England and 1910 in the US, and it seems everyone is joining it. Can he join the scouts too? Please? Emily sees no problem in this, so said and done, John is now a boy scout. He gets his first badge nearly right away as he skips upstairs to do his homework.

When Frank returns home from work he even helps him with it:

He's not so friendly with Emily, as he is in a rather foul mood. Emily, however, has decided to ignore his behaviour and manages, this time, to calm him down.

She, on the other hand, has made a discovery that she is keeping to herself while Frank is in his mood. She is pregnant again. This time she doesn't rush to tell Frank about her pregnancy, but hold it too herself for a while before sharing the news. She's not sure of why. She tells herself it was because Frank was sleeping when she found out.

On Saturday, it's time for another Charity event, this time to celebrate easter and spring. Subsequently it's held in the park. They bring food, and gather in the sunlight. Emily plays the piano, so does Nathaniel, to everyone's delight. It's not even hard to raise the money they need for the poor when everyone is in such good mood outdoors.

For Alice, it's not her first party, but it is her official debut into society. From this day forward, she will be invited to social events, and she is eligible for proposals and courtship. As she draws Charles Edwardson's attention, Abigail secretly hopes. Could this be the opportunity her daughter need to fall in love and find a good husband? But then Abigail does not know about the secrets her daughter has been keeping.

On returning home, Frank and Emily are both in a fairly good mood. As Emily head upstairs to put Edward to bed, Frank enjoys a game of chess with his son, who takes the opportunity to tell him all about his first scout meeting. Perhaps Frank can do this family thing after all? At least if he just gets a drink or two or three first.


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