1910s: Alice returns home for the holidays

As Alice is having her transformative experiences in Britechester, life goes on in its own pace in the Whittaker households. Thanksgiving is a quiet affair where they after dinner just spend time together. Abigail teaches Melanie to knit, the boys play together in Williams room, Joseph reads to the children. On Saturday Frank hosts a small birthday party for his closest friends. It's a fairly successful affair, or so Emily thinks, especially as Frank stays in and does not go out with James and Mathias after the evening is over. Her boys are developing well, Harold oh so quickly, and Edward and John seem to take care of each other, playing in the first snow of the season. The scout movement has been good for them, she thinks. Taking them out of the house on the long weekends where Frank is more likely to be in a foul mood. The new reverend is proving interesting and provides the town with plenty of gossip as he quickly marries Viviana Sinclair. How such as fast ...