1910s: Searching for a new life in Del Sol Valley
The very next morning, Alice is in pieces. She has barely slept, cried her way through most of the night and as she walks around Britechester, everything seems to have lost its charm. Not only does the loss of Lizzie weigh heavy on her heart, she also have a very hard decision to make. Fight for her place at Britechester, with the result that everyone, including her parents, will know what she was caught doing, or leave on her own accord and save some of her reputation, but risk losing her future. All morning, she wonders around, trying to wrap her head around her choices while wishing she could just curl up somewhere and cry instead.

Eventually, she decides to ask for advice from one of her favourite teachers, hoping she'll get some useful advice without having to share what has really happened. Of course she has no such luck. Miss Tanner has already spread the word, and her teacher says she can do nothing to help her at Britechester. "Perhaps Del Sol Valley is a better place for you. Nothing says you need an education to make it as an actress there." Before Alice leaves, she has an address for somewhere to stay should she choose to act on the advice.

As much as she had wished for some help to stay at Britechester and continue her studies, Alice also recognises a chance when she sees one. Signing her papers to drop out is hard, but by the end of the day she has a train ticket that will take her across the country. Before leaving she pens a quick telegram to her parents, fearing they'll hear from the university before she has time to write a proper letter if she sends nothing.
Left Britechester for Del Sol Valley on the advice from my professor. Acting opportunities better there. Has arrangements for a place to stay. Promise to be in touch as soon as I am there. Try not to worry.
It is not nearly enough, she knows, but it will have to be for now. She has a train to catch, and the ride is not a few hours, but a few days long. Plenty of time to cry her heart out, and to start to pick herself together for her life in Del Sol Valley.

Back in Willow Creek, her parents are shocked at the news. Abigail's reaction is emotional: "She did what? Without coming home? Without talking to us? But Del Sol Valley is such a big city, and so far away!" In no time, she feels as if she lost two daughters. One to a war that might have her killed, the other to an unknown future in an unknown city where anything and everything can happen. What will they do? Joseph tries to comfort her, but in all honesty he, too, is worried sick about his girls, and feel helpless that he's not there to protect and help either of them.

Withdrawing into his office, he can let go:

While Abigail withdraws to her room and cries in her bed, too emotionally distraught to do much else.

As her parents are sick with worry about her, Alice finally arrives in Del Sol Valley, finding the right street and moving into a beautiful house, but a fairly dingy apartment that could definitely do with some tlc, but which is rented to her furnished and at a reasonable price.

To her utter surprise, her welcome wagon includes no other than the very famous actress Judith Ward. The Judith Ward! In her apartment! Alice is awestruck!

As she writes to her sister later:
Who would have thought that someone like Miss Ward would take the time to go and see new neighbours? Not even neighbors, she lives in the next building! Yet my next door neighbour tells me this is apparently normal for her. She wants to know who lives in the buildings around her. Some need for control perhaps, but I still found her very agreeable. Can you imagine? Judith Ward, in my little apartment!!!
And what is more, she said that I cannot under any circumstances go to my audition dressed the way I am, and has decided to take me to get a make-over to fit with the style here in Del Sol Valley. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Their hemlines are shorter, their clothes loser and they all wear make-up. But now that I am here I will have to do what I can to fit in, won't I? I'd best not tell our mother about that. I will send you a portrait once I have one.
She also pens her parents, urging them to accept the situation.
Do not ask me to come home, not if you know me at all. An acting career is all I have ever wanted, and while I understand that it might not work, and that I might never make it, at least I need to try my wings. I know you worry because you love me, but if Anna can go overseas, surely I can go across the country? If I do not make it, if I cannot make a living this way, then at least I will return home knowing that I have tried my hardest.
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