1910s: In which life goes on like usual in Willow Creek
While Anna is saving soldiers or comforting dying men in France, and Alice rubs shoulders with the stars while hoping to become one herself, life moves quietly on in Willow Creek as well. In the junior Whittaker household, the unhappy marriage remain unhappy, Frank is still in the throws of his mid-life crisis and in the grips of his juice addiction. The only thing changing is really the age of the children, and how they are affected by what is going on. Now come spring it's time for John to age up to a teenager, something he does in a quiet family way as his mother has little energy to throw him the usual big bash that this kind of occasion would require, not with two toddlers constantly requiring her attention and a husband who stays away from home as much as he can manage.

Still, they put on quite a show of enthusiasm for their eldest boy as he grows up. Or so Frank thinks before heading out to the Blue Note for the evening to brag about his now officially genius of a son.

In the Preston family it's also time for a birthday, as Ida is aging up to adult. Having a much more stable life than her brother, Ida invites the family for dinner. Melanie and Madison take off to the park to play with marbles, and the rest of the family gather to talk and gossip about the many changes in town. "Did you hear that Rhett Godeau changed his name to Goth? Apparently, or so I've heard, to distance himself from his father. Yes, and is it true that he married Morgan Sinclair? Oh yes, they had apparently been corresponding for some time." (This was MCCC's doing and I am so tempted to rename her Morgana).

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