1910s: Alice gets a promotion
Dearest Anna,
I barely dare to believe you did that, but I have to admit when looking at your photograph, it suits you well. I suppose I can understand the need, given the circumstances you now live and work under. I still cannot express how proud I am of you for doing what you do. And of course you are right about mother. I am not angry with her, I know she believes that we'd be happier if we got married and had children. It was what made her happy, and this she cannot understand. That didn't make it hurt less. I suppose I can even understand why Lizzie did it. A faster way to clear away any lingering rumors, I cannot think of. Still, it felt like a betrayal.
It helps some that Ida shared with me that Emily had told her James mostly wanted a wife to get out of a potential draft. Cowardly, I know, but at least then it was a matter of convenience for both of them. It seems that a potential draft is all anyone can talk about at the moment. There are so many rumors of who might or might not be drafted, and who will or won't volunteer if we actually do join this war. Most seem to be certain that we will not be able to stay out of it, that it will be a necessity. I know that will make you happy, as you have long thought the US should take part of this.
For me things are going quite well. I only get small parts so far, but I'm still gaining a reputation thanks to Miss Ward, or Mrs Thurston I suppose, as I'm sure even you read about her surprising marriage. I have not met him yet, though Judith did invite me over to their place. They have the most amazing swimming pool in their house, and upstairs they had a balcony with a view of the entire city. I do miss the clean air of home though. Even now at the end of spring, we're getting heatwaves and the smog is thick in the air as a result. And yet, I love it here. Some say there is cleaner air up in the hills. Of course to go there you need to be very rich. But perhaps one day...
I got a strange little gig, the other day, and as a result I was promoted! My auditions will be bigger now, more demanding but also more rewarding. And even though the part was really small, I was nominated for an award! It's really silly, such a small thing, but it makes me proud and happy and gives me hope that I can do this. I've used my first salary on redecorating my small apartment to be more presentable, and started inviting people over more regularly. Judith said that it's always a good idea to invite over the director before an acting job, get to know what they want before you're on stage. I did, and it went perfectly.
I have decided I want to do that more often, though of course I'd love to have a better place to do it in. I might not get to the hill soon, but with Judith's marriage there is a free apartment in the Mirage. It's insanely expensive compared to this, and I need at least one more promotion before I dare, but I would love living there, it's so much nicer than here, no matter what wall paper I put up. I actually found a mouse in the apartment last night! A mouse! I might just need to get a cat!
I miss you Anna, and I keep thinking of you. I cannot believe you are turning 25 over there, and I will not even be able to celebrate your birthday! And did mother send you the pictures of Beatrice? I cannot believe she is old enough to start school, and soon Josephine is ready to leave it! Sometimes I do miss being at home, being together again to see everyone and follow their life for real rather than through mother's accounts. She tells me Josephine has but one agenda as she comes of age, Nash Sinclair. She seems more like Ida than us, doesn't she? But if that is what she want in life I hope it's what she gets.
Speaking of men, you've spoken a lot about this local soldier! Am I imagining things, or is my sister actually taking a fancy to someone?
I love you dearly,
Alice visiting the Mirage and Judith Ward:

Inviting over the director and co-stars before the gig:

Getting ready:

Beatrice (Frank and Emily's daughter) in her new school uniform:
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