1910s: Alice gets a make-over

Dearest Anna, 

I am heartbroken by the stories you tell, and filled with awe and pride at your strength. I doubt I would ever be able to do what you do, suffer what you suffer. Here I am, in a sunny Del Sol Valley, where the winters are snowless and chilly at coldest, and yet I find myself pitying myself for my loneliness. Those are the times I think of you, and reread your letters to remind myself how utterly lucky I am to be here, safe and comfortable, when you are there, suffering without complaints. You are forever my inspiration. 

Mother wrote with news from home. Lizzie har gotten married to James Duncan. I do not know why that hurts as much as it does, but it pains me more than I dare admit. I somehow knew she might marry some day, fall for the pressure, but not so soon. And to hear the news from our mother, and not from her. But then she has made no effort to contact me at all. I know I should let go, but it's not always easy. 

Onto happier news. Judith Ward kept her word! I would not have been surprised, given her reputation for being mean and cruel, to simply ignore that she had ever met me, but no, today she took me downtown for my make over. Oh, if only mother could see me now! She'd be horrified. I swear, Miss Ward had me try on every outfit in the store, then still was not happy and demanded it in another color for me. She said I look terrific in red, and should make sure to stand out as much as I can to get ahead. 

After she took me to the beauty parlor where I had my hair rearranged, and make-up put on. I look like another person entirely. I even have painted nails! But better yet, is that I had my first part. Oh it's nothing significant, I'd be surprised if you even recognise me, but I gave it my all and they were happy with my work. I think this might just open up some new jobs for me. I have another audition tomorrow, and while by the time you receive this I will have already had it, keep your fingers crossed for my continued success and know that you are always in my thoughts. 

Your loving sister, 

And a picture of Del sol Valley anno 1916:


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