1910s: Alice Gets Caught
While Anna is struggling at the front, life is moving on as usual at Britechester. Alice is doing well in her classes and enjoying her relationship with Lizzie even if it needs to be held in secret. It's strange, but sometimes Alice feels as giddy as a child, to the point where she and Lizzie end up having a snowpal-building contest in the snow after dinner one night.

They return to the dorm cold but happy, only to find the entire place nearly deserted. Only one student is present and she quickly disappears again. As they go back to their room they sit down to talk, only to find each other too close. What could possibly go wrong? They're alone after all.

They're so wrapped up in each other that they fail to hear the door as it opens as Miss Tanner enters the room. She is not pleased with what she sees.

Chewing them both out, she yanks them both in, one after the other to her office. Elizabeth tries to explain herself but to no avail.

As it's Alice's turn the choice is clear that no pleas will help their case. They are presented with a choice: leave quietly or risk expulsion after a public hearing that will expose them both not only at the university but to their parents.

Lizzie is already packing when Alice enters. Her mind is made up. Nothing can be worse than exposure. She's going home, and right away, and she blames Alice for everything that has happened as she breaks up with her:

As Lizzie drops out and returns home for a marriage of her parents choosing, Alice is left alone with her broken heart. What should she do? She writes to her sister in despair:
Dearest Anna,
I'm writing this by the light of the fire as the lights of the dorm has long been turned out for the night, and yet I seem to struggle to get anything at all on the page. How different is not this letter from the one I wrote by firelight last! Back then, it feels like a lifetime ago, the world was beautiful and filled with promise, while now it's dark and empty.
Oh Anna, I've been so reckless. How disappointed will you not be with me? For all the times you warned to be careful!
If you have not deduced it before, Lizzie and I were caught. Miss Tanner is furious. She's talking about expulsion. Lizzie has packed up and left. Britechester, university, and me. There is no future back home, and possibly not here, but the idea to return home in shame... I cannot!
Oh, Anna what should I do? I wish you were here to guide me. Right now it just feel as if my life is over, and I'm entirely lost. I wish you were here so much it hurts.
Your loving sister,
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