1910s: A New Decade and an Impossible Crush


New Years and a new decade As we now stand at the change of a decade, I figured New Years eve deserved an entrance of its own. However, before we enter the 1910s, I thought it appropriate to start with a review of the "rules" of the challenge, and going over what I will change, which apparently, is a lot. First the generally most pressed on rule of the decade: 

  • War: All male Sims who are a Teen, Young Adult, or Adult at the start of this decade, and all males Sims who become a Teen during this decade, must be drafted for World War I. This includes the husbands of the daughters in your family and their male children (even if they are no longer your primary household).
In some other versions this is only teens or YA males, but either way, the idea is that every man who lived in the US had to go to war, and of those only half returned (as we're asked to roll a dice for survival at a 50/50 chance). Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Fact is that only 4.8 million US men went to war at all, and none were drafted until 1916, when the US joined the war. Teens in general weren't drafted at all, as the average age of soldiers were 24 years old. Many men were also exempt entirely from being drafted, and out of the 4.8 million who went almost half, 2 million were volunteers. 

 For the Whittaker/Preston families not one single man would be affected by the draft past the obligation to report for it. Joseph is too old, Nathaniel is the sole provider and father of minors without male family members to cover for him should he die. Frank would be exempt because he is a local politician. Hence the only way either of these three are going to war is if they volunteered. To be honest, I have a hard time seeing either of them doing so, but since I play one decade over two in game years I have 9-10 or so weeks to see how they develop before making up my mind. 

 The question that is more interesting for the Whittakers, is what Anna and Alice will choose to do. Anna is poised to reach YA-hood next spring, Alice next fall. Both will be YA when the war break out. A staggering 8 million US women volunteered for the red cross in the US, most of them domestically, but several overseas as well. Will these two young women choose the comfort of their homes, go work in a factory as more and more women take on jobs, or risks the dangers of a field hospital somewhere in Europe? The game will tell. 

 But first, a decade needs a proper New Years Party, and the Duncans are of course the arrangers of such, and for once even teens who have not been properly introduced into society, such as Alice, is allowed to go. Alice however is much more preoccupied with her own predicament. In the early afternoon before the New Years ball, she cannot contain herself any longer. She whispers her secret in her shocked sister's ear. Just to say it out loud is mortal embarrassment! Oh how she wish she could take it back! But while Anna is shocked, she loves her sister, and hugs her reassuringly in response, though suggests they'll take the conversation elsewhere. Somewhere there isn't someone with very large ears nearby. "Should I talk to mum and dad?" Alice asks. "Ask them for advice on what to do?" But Anna vehemently shakes her head. "Definitely not! You must never tell them, especially mum, she'll have a fit of hysteria!" Right before leaving, Alice is in teers. Why does she have to be so weird???

Once at the party, things does not get better. Because, of course, Elizabeth too is invited. Alice does not know what to do with herself. She's flushing all over. Feeling flirty, and embarrassed, and tense and sad... all at the same time. She tries to talk to her, but what's the point? Elizabeth will never see her as anything more than a friend anyway. How could she? How could anyone? "At least talk to her!" Anna tells her sister. "She's your friend first." Alice tries, but she doesn't seem to get the words out right, and then James it there. Self assured, handsome, single, and openly flirty. 

Alice flees the party as the two start dancing. Who would miss her anyway? What she doesn't see, however, is Elizabeth turning James down when his advances gets too bold. Or James moving his attention to the other women at the party. All she wants is to get away. To go home. To hide. "Mum and dad would wonder where you are," Anna tells her as she comes out after her. "At least watch the fireworks." That, Alice agrees to do. But she still refuse to go back inside, so Anna stays out with her sister in the cold. Finding a spare fireworks battery, she lights it up at the same time as the fireworks goes off in the front of the house. No one will notice if they're having a party of their own back here. Even if it is very very cold.

Back home, Alice runs straight for her room to cry. But Anna isn't leaving her be. She comes in, comforts her and tells her that live will continue. "You have to find out what you want to do, and build your life around that instead of some notion about love." Only Alice doesn't know what she wants in life. Unlike Anna, she doesn't have a ton of interests. "So go get some!" Anna advices her. "You have time to figure out what you want from life." Alice isn't so sure, but as they go to sleep that night, she hopes Anna is right.


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