1900s: Anna turns 15 and Frank graduates


As much as Ida wants to get married NOW, preferably yesterday, she, again, finds that she has to wait for her pesky siblings to do things. Namely, for Anna to age up to a teenager (she really can't see the big deal, she already did that) and for Frank to graduate from university (OK, so she can sort of see why that would be a big deal. But still!!!) 

 Either way, Ida will still have to wait, and while Frank returns for his last term at university, Ida has set her mind to mastering flower arranging. She might need to wait, but at least she can learn to make the most awesome flower bouquet in the meantime. In fact, she spends so much time learning, she even realises that she enjoys it. She happily tells the others at dinner about her new found hobby. 

Meanwhile the entire family is getting to know John, even little Josephine tries to entertain him at times. Emily, however, often monopolises her son, spending every waking hour with him if she can. Especially after he ages up to an infant. Why should she let anyone else take care of him when she's there? 

In Britechester, Frank makes an effort to ace his courses and learn as much as he can from the debate club. He even wins his first debate. He cannot deny he likes the feeling. Now that summer is approaching, riding his bike to classes is even enjoyable.

Pickles seems to be staying, to Abigail's big annoyance. She had hoped, that being a stray would mean the stupid cat wanted to be free, but no, Pickles seem quite happy to be in the house. And if he's staying, he's at least getting some grooming, and a proper bowtie. He is not pleased. Or rather, SHE is not pleased. As Pickels goes into heat they discover that he, is really a she. She still hates Abigail, and hiss whenever Abigail tells her anything, even not to drink from a puddle next to a potty.

On Wednesday, it's finally time for Anna to age up to a teenager. All appropriate kids and teens are invited as she finally takes the first step towards womanhood.

So meet young Anna, an independent young girl with a very strong views that does not always align with her mothers. Especially when it comes to the hemlines of her clothes. (She is definitely not telling mum about her riding outfit. Bloomers? Aka pants? On a girl!?! Abigail would be horrified at the indecency. Anna think mum is soooo 1890s!)

Missing his little sister's birthday party, Frank is focusing all his efforts on his studies. He's getting a bit nervous as Friday's tests are getting closer and closer. Hard work pays off, however, and he graduates with the highest grades! But this also means he cannot go home this evening as he usually does. Instead he has to stay one more day. Then again, when he now returns it will be forever and he and Emily can finally have a home of their own.

As the afternoon wanes, James pulls him out to celebrate. They start with a dip in the Britechester waters, a tradition James says, for those who manages to get through the exams. After bathing, comes partying, and one last night at Pepper's pub, where a giddy Frank orders drinks for everyone. Quite a few times. At some point in the night, he cannot really remember when, he even sneaks behind the bar as the bartender is in the bathroom and makes drinks for everyone. Maybe. He thinks. His memory is a little fussy but he cannot deny that he might have gotten a bit too much to drink during the evening. Just a tad. It's not like he passed out on the floor or anything... or maybe he did, but cameras aren't yet portable so no one can prove anything.

Waking up on graduation day is less than amusing. The headache! And with a very large, cheering, crowd awaiting. This is going to be fun. But after a shower and some breakfast, Frank is almost himself as he heads off to the graduation ceremony, promising himself never to drink again. At least not potato nectar. Never potato nectar! Still, graduation goes off without a hitch, and soon he and the others can throw their hats into the air in celebration.

Throwing himself on the first best train, Frank hurries home to Emily and the rest of his life. 


But they cannot start their life just yet, first the family wants to celebrate Franks achievements, and then it's time for bed. But the very next day it's time for him and Emily to go see the house that Mr Duncan has gifted them. Their original plans had included moving to Newcrest, but Edward wanted his little girl close by and bought the plot of land next to theirs. And who can argue with a gifted, newly built, house? Emily is delighted at the prospect of decorating the entire place to her liking and according to the latest trends. To be fair, even with the house gifted, they cannot afford to decorate all the rooms. Two are left empty and disused. But then their family is small, and they don't need all the rooms yet. Frank let's Emily have her way with the house, having only two wishes. Central heating and radiators like dad has, and a shower like the dorm has. He gets both his wishes, and Emily gets everything else. She chooses a light and bright color palate, much brighter than the old Victorian style of the 1890s and much more in line with the new Art Nouveau movement. She adores her new house.

Emily cannot wait to invite people over to show off her new house. But first, it's time for church service, and then another birthday as Josephine too is aging up and turning into a little girl. But soon, she will be entertaining with the best of them, enjoying the life of a wife with her own house and her own family. 


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