1900s: A New Type of Christmas
Before the celebrations begin, however, Abigail has decided that her daughters get to see what the Charity Balls make possible. On Sunday, after service, she makes the family volunteer. Lo and behold, for once, Abigail found something Anna approves of! While Charity balls is not Anna's cup of tea, helping people, really helping them, is something she can take pride and joy in. Anna comes home delighted! This evening, there is, for once, harmony in the Whittaker household.
The following couple of days are normal school days. Joseph is at work, Abigail tends to her precious baby boy who is developing fast. Curious, he seems to want to try everything. Monday morning he's learning how to sit, and by afternoon he's tried new food and is stubbornly trying to learn how to crawl. Alice in her turn is working on her piano skill, and Anna and Joseph bond as she gets an exciting new school assignment. Unlike her brother, she isn't bored with the magic of electricity, but shares her father's fascination.

Big news arrives when Joseph publish his next book. Suddenly he's a real celebrity. On the one hand, he's truly proud and happy, on the other it's a bit of a nuisance.
For Alice, bringing home friends is a bit of a bother, as they might just fawn right over her famous father rather than just want to hang out with her. It's especially hard when lightning seems to strike whenever said friend is near. Only what do you do when the person you have your first crush on is someone you're absolutely not supposed to have a crush on? What is even going on? How can she feel this way? And what would her parents say if they ever found out?!? The solution is obvious! No one must ever know. Surely it's just a phase? Or she's miss interpreted things. She cannot possibly feel this way about... a girl?

That night, unaware of their daughter's struggles and feelings, Joseph and Abigail decorate for the holidays. As the children all sleep, all is peaceful in the Whittaker household.

As Christmas eve comes around, Ida is happy in her preparations. The house is all decked out for the holiday, the food is prepared and everyone is ready. If only she didn't feel so nauseas all the time, but surely that will pass?
This is the first time she meets Nathaniel's sister's husband, a nice enough man if a bit flirty at times. The latter, however, is not something Nathaniel approves of. At least not when it's directed at his wife. Instead he discovers his jealous trait!
Luckly, Ida, who is not about to have a fight with her beloved husband over someone else flirting with her without her asking, feels no pride in apologizing and smoothing things over, thereby saving the holiday. Is it fair that she has to apologize when she has done nothing? No. Is it unreasonable for Nathaniel to be cross with her when it's someone else he should be cross with? Definitely! Does any of that matter if she saves Christmas Eve and make it the night she wants it to be? Not at all.

The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Everyone appreciates the food, the kids are happy and well taken care of, the family is together. Overall, it's a fantastic night. And then Melanie becomes a toddler when she takes her first few steps. A bit clingy, but she gets on well with her older cousin John.

The only cloud on the sky this night, is Frank's mood when there is nothing to drink. It turns foul as he is ready to leave, but Nathaniel steps up and tells him off. No one speaks to his wife like that. Ida realises then just why she loves her husband. As the night wanes and the guests return to their homes, Ida suddenly realises why she has been feeling queasy. It seems the new decade will bring a new family member too.

Christmas day is spent according to tradition, enjoying each other's company and eating Dolly's fantastic cooking. Even Frank is in a decent mood, in spite of the lack of juice or nectar in the house. They eat, open presents and get even more presents from Father Christmas as he shows up. It seems Melanie has a new favourite in John, who she spends the evening following around like a shadow. For Abigail this is a happy time. She has her family all around her. It's busy, chaotic at times, and bustling with life.

On Boxing day, its Emily's turn, but unlike Abigail, she spends most of the day worrying about everything that can go wrong. Dinner works out well, which is a relief, but people then don't stay at the dining room table, or even in the living room. Some go outside to play in the snow, some go upstairs and gather in the kids' room. Joseph gives an impromptu concert on his violin on the second floor landing, and Emily's mother doesn't even show up. By the end of the night, Emily is exhausted and her nervs frayed. Frank on the other hand has a great day, as it starts with him getting a promotion. Additionally, has has easy access to drinks all night and with people around him he is in his element. He is having a great night. He doesn't even seem to notice when very still teenage sister sneaks a drink (or perhaps he does but doesn't care). Anna has to admit, she does like the taste of it, though she cannot understand drinking as much as her brother. At least now she knows what the fuss is about.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and an end of a decade. That deserves its own post.
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