1890s: Alice is born


Another week has passed in game, and this week started with a wedding.

On Monday it was time for Matthew Godeau to marry the very young Valeria. It was a beautiful ceremony, but Abigail could not say that it affected her much, nor did she mind that she and Joseph was not invited to the reception afterwards. For her, this week was about her baby girl. And Anna has developed quickly. Abigail spent time teaching her to stand, and then, one day, she pulled herself up all by herself.

Standing up against a chair, means you can also stand up in bed while you cry for attention. Anna loves it! 

She also learnt how to sleep through the night, and tasted more different kinds of food.

And it is time to wean her off breastfeeding, as Abigail, to her delight, found herself pregnant again.

But just as before, pregnancy did not come easily for Abigail. She fell ill almost immediately, swaying with dizziness.

Afraid of a repeat of last time, and worried about Anna, Joseph puts his foot down and insist she hand Anna over to Dolly and go straight to bed. 

Dolly does what she has always does when necessary, she steps up and feeds Anna, even using one of those new modern contraptions called a baby feeder. It's a bit strange, but Anna is hungry and does not complain.

As Joseph insist that Abigail stay on bedrest until she's feeling better, he calls in reinforcements in the shape of his sister. For the rest of the day the house is transformed to get ready for her visit. She plans to stay for two nights, over thanksgiving and Frank's birthday. Anna's bed is moved into Ida's room, the old bed is moved back from the attic. It will not do to ask Mary to sleep in Dolly's room after all, that would be an absolute insult.

Joseph waste no time in introducing her to baby Anna.

Cute, Mary says, and hands her right back. When Anna cries, she stands idly by and looks on, and when Anna needs changing she puts her on the ground and keeps her as far away from her as possible. Dolly is wondering why in the world Mr Whittaker thought she needed any help in tending to a Anna while her mistress is sick. She even looks a bit insulted.

Thanksgiving dinner is nice and Abigail is well enough to join the others at the table. She gulfs down her food. Mary waits until everyone else has eaten then takes her food to the office to eat in peace. 

But as the day progress she does warm up to Anna, and aside from Anna biting her at one time, is mostly nice to her aunty.

With Abigail better again, however, she is happy to be the one to tend to her daughter, even as her stomach gets bigger and bigger. Was she ever this big with Anna? She's certain she wasn't.

As Saturday rolls around, it's time for Frank's birthday. Abigail has invited all the local teens and children for the occasion.

The highlight is the new, adult, violin he gets from his father, and reacquainting himself with the Duncan's. Especially Emily who he used to spend so much time with before she aged up to a teen. 

And right out of the blue, it hits him like a ton of bricks:

Abigail smiles. If he lands her, that's a major catch. She's the daughter of the local politician and one of the richest girls in town. Definitely a catch. She might just encourage this a bit. Carefully and supervised of course. 

That night, Abigail goes into labour. She sends a nervous Joseph out of the room and he paces the house nervously as he waits for her to be done.

But Abigail knows what she's doing. After a grueling three hours, she delivers a healthy baby girl. They name her Alice. The whole family takes time to greet her. Even Ida is happy about the new baby this time around. Maybe having a baby sister has taught her that it's not the end of the world with another? 

As Christmas week is waiting around the corner, Abigail can relax again. She has her baby girls, they're both healthy, and this is promising to be a Christmas to remember.


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