1890s: Tragedy

What a roller coaster this week has been to play. It started with Anna aging up to an infant.

Adorable, but a handful. She got the wiggly trait right away, meaning she has a hard time finding rest and falling asleep, then she almost immediately got the snuggly sleeper which means she really, really doesn't want to fall asleep in her crip but wants to be carried and sleep in someone's arms. And then she ended up being an early riser as well, which often means three or four in the morning! 

Poor Abigail found it to be a challenge, especially since she realised that, yes, she was indeed pregnant again. (Joseph was so happy with the news that he actually broke out in song). 

But to be constantly tired from the pregnancy at the same time as having a very demanding infant is hard!!!. But in spite of it all, she loved every moment with Anna. Be it cradling her to sleep, bathing her or... well perhaps not changing her. But it comes with the territory, and then Anna learned to coo and who could resist that? 

Dolly was enjoying the increase in the number of diapers less. Washing clothes went from a once a week occurrence to two or three times a week. 

In all of this life went on. One of Abigail's closest friend announced her own pregnancy and was due just a day after Abigail. Joseph's reputation rose in the community, and Frank learned to ride his bicycle (Ida is still struggling with that one).

But then tragedy struck! As I have LMS pregnancy mod, there are risks to pregnancies, and Abigail suddenly had cramps and needed to go to the hospital:

Luckily, New Orleans was one of the first towns in the country to build a hospital, the first founded already in 1736 and another one was built in 1852. But in spite of the hospitals, the life of Abigail and Joseph's baby could not be saved. Abigail returned home broken hearted.

Over the next several days, Abigail was a shadow of her old self, unable to find joy in anything around her. She'd leave in the middle of conversations or chores to go cry in bed, heart wrenchingly wailing out her sorrow. She even sobbed and cried in her sleep, entirely inconsolable.

Joseph took it hard too, but poured his sadness into his writing and trying to be as supporting as he could. The family found themselves alone much more than they've gotten used to. Be it at dinner, or when doing homework or practising cross stitching or piano. Abigail had neither the heart nor the strength to join them, constantly exhausted from lack of sleep and the toll her body took. And as if knowing something was wrong, Anna was more demanding than every, crying often and for long periods of time, and while Abigail did everything she as a mother was supposed to the joy was gone. 

Finally, Joseph had to step in, directing Dolly to tend to Anna while Abigail could get some proper rest and heal. He himself even helped keep Anna in a good mood, and the kids helped too, telling her stories or playing peek-a-boo with Anna until she couldn't stop laughing. Even when he caught Frank entertaining Anna when he should have run off to school, Joseph did not have it in him to disciplin his son.

Being properly rested, and her body back to normal, Abigail could begin to slowly heal her broken heart by doing the things that had always brought her joy. Like helping the children with their homework, teaching Abigail to knit, and taking care of her beloved baby girl and teach her to roll over and sit up. With time, she got back to resembling her old self again.

But as much as Abigail just wanted to spend time at home with her family and heal, there were obligations to take care of. Her closest friend has had a healthy baby girl, and it's not right not to show up and admire the new baby the way her friends did for her when Anna was born. So Abigail muster up all her strength and walk down the street to the Doughertys' house, and goes to meet little Caroline in her crip. Holding a newborn child in her arms, only a day younger than her own would have been, is difficult, but she does, and compliments Ashley afterwards on her beautiful home and her beautiful girl, before sharing her own sad news. When she leaves, her heart aches again.

She tries to sooth it by spending time trying to teach Anna to eat proper food. Carrots is a no-go, sweet potatoes is a maybe, but peas seems to be a hit.

Nevertheless, it's a messy affair:

As the week rolls to an end, Abigail has but one prayer as they head to Sunday service. Another baby. Another pregnancy. That the bassinet still in their bedroom won't be empty for long.


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