1890s: Anna is born


While Abigail and Joseph were off on their honeymoon, life, it seemed, went on back home with out them, and they returned home to a lot of changes and gossip. The most shocking news? Mary Brennan eloped with Paul Heydale! She, who had been rumoured to be the consideration of Matthew Godeau, ended up running away to marry a simple farmer?! 

Speculations into a possible pregnancy being the reason for the hasty marriage is everywhere. After all, Mary had to give up her expensive pearls, her dresses and a whole lot of comfort to live in a cramped house filled with hard work. Marrying down, like this, was basically unheard of! Everyone is wondering how she'll cope with her new life. 

Otherwise, the biggest news in town is that of Ophelia Godeau's death and Matthew Godeau's sudden, and very public, proposal to Valeria Waldron, yes the same who Abigail interviewed and dismissed as a governess because of her mean streak.

This one caught everyone unaware, because Matthew and Valeria did not know each other very well. In fact Valeria has just been introduced to society (aged up to YA), while Matthew is an adult man of some years. But for Valeria this is definitely a step up the social latter. Her father must be so very pleased! For Abigail, her primary concern is neither Matthew Godeau or Mary Brennan, but her own pregnancy. She's suffers from nausea, and as if that wasn't enough some sort of rash:

She's almost grateful when she finally goes into labour: 

That night the kids are left to do their homework on their own, and once Joseph is back from meeting his editor, the three wait nervously in the dining room while Abigail struggles with giving birth in the bedroom:

Finally, a baby girl is born! They name her Anna. Joseph falls in love the moment he sees her.

The kids are a bit harder to persuade. Frank is delighted, but Ida is a bit more reserved. She isn't sure she really wants someone who competes with her for Abigail's time. After all Abigail is the only mother she has known, yet she knows she's not her real child, and Anna is. What if Abigail will love Anna more?

Abigail is taking things in stride. While the family is cooing over Anna, she goes to sleep to rest up. This was hard!

Anna is an attention seeking baby, crying often and demanding much, but Abigail is enamoured with her little girl.

Her friends stop by to see the new baby: 

And Abigails reputation soars as a result of the new baby. But the she did also do everything right! She married the right man, and a decently long engagement period to show that she was not pregnant, got pregnant fast during the honeymoon and delivered a beautiful healthy child. She has definitely deserved her pristine reputation.

It does not hurt that Joseph is once more promoted and reaches the very top of his career!

And to celebrate he brings home a fairly new thing, that has become all the rage lately. Bicycles! 

He teaches Abigail how it's done: 

Then show the kids: 

And becomes a very active teacher in how to ride a bicycle:

While Joseph is busy teaching his children to ride a bicycle, Abigail is plotting. With Mary married and out of the apartment, poor Loyd is left to run the store (and household) all by his lonesome. And Abigail has also heard that her old teacher assistant, the current teacher Miss Tolliver, has lost her father and is on her own. What if the two could be brought together? Abigail starts playing matchmaker. She starts by visiting Miss Tolliver and talking up Loyd:

Then invites both to dinner (along with some other friends of course). She seats them next to each other, and they do seem to enjoy themselves.

Well perhaps sparks weren't flying, but they liked each other's company well enough as friends. That's a good start. Who said love needed to be there for it to be a good match at first? It will come later, with babies. She just wants her friends to be as happy as she is. With an as attentive husband as she has. The two still can't leave each other alone.

And while she doesn't know it yet, I do believe Abigail might be pregnant again, because she does not usually fall asleep on the sofa:

Time will tell if Anna, set to age up, will have a new brother or sister soon.


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