1910s: A New Decade and an Impossible Crush

New Years and a new decade As we now stand at the change of a decade, I figured New Years eve deserved an entrance of its own. However, before we enter the 1910s, I thought it appropriate to start with a review of the "rules" of the challenge, and going over what I will change, which apparently, is a lot. First the generally most pressed on rule of the decade: War: All male Sims who are a Teen, Young Adult, or Adult at the start of this decade, and all males Sims who become a Teen during this decade, must be drafted for World War I. This includes the husbands of the daughters in your family and their male children (even if they are no longer your primary household). In some other versions this is only teens or YA males, but either way, the idea is that every man who lived in the US had to go to war, and of those only half returned (as we're asked to roll a dice for survival at a 50/50 chance). Nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is that only 4.8 million US ...