
Showing posts from August, 2023

1890s: Josephine is born and Ida is introduced to society

  Summer started with drama as Abigail woke in the middle of the night from her baby wanting to be born. Perhaps it is that she is now older and wiser, perhaps that this is her third child, but while Joseph panicked she took things in stride. She told Joseph to wake up Ida and let her know she'd be responsible for her younger sisters this morning, then went downstairs to get something to eat, before returning to her bedroom to finish the labour.  She gave birth to another beautiful girl, who they named Josephine after her father. Abigail is pretending that she's not at all disappointed that she has not been able to give Joseph another son. Joseph, however, is enamoured with his little girl and couldn't care less. Anna and Alice was a bit more hesitant in greeting this new member of the family. Why do they need another girl anyway? They have us! Still, Alice cannot help but to be curious.  Josephine is a sensitive little girl, a bit poorly, perhaps, Abigail thinks, b...

1890s: Anna's becomes a girl

  This week was a week of birthdays! First Anna aged up to a girl, then Alice aged up to a toddler and at the end of the week it was time for Abigail. Joseph and Abigail sit down to discuss how to deal with so many evens in one week, and end up choosing to keep the girls' birthdays simple and within the family, and saving a bigger gathering for Abigail's birthday.  And in all of this, Frank, in spite of being engaged and insisting that he should be treated as an adult, realises that he has no clue on what to do with his life. This worries Joseph, who hasn't been blind to his son's struggles. Truth is that while he may be an A-student, he often comes home miserable from school and his latest test results have been mediocre. The one thing he likes doing (other than flirting with his wife to be) is to play the violin, and that is not a respectable career. Joseph decides to intervene. He hopes a school project on the exciting new field of electricity might get Frank...