1940s: Grace and Hazel turn into young women and Harold settles in Sulani
As much as the war keeps raging in the world, life still goes on back home. On Thursday, it's time for Grace and Hazel to age up to teenagers, and neither can wait.
While her babies are all away at school, Josephine spends the day cleaning and cooking to get the apartment ready for the family. With such a small space, she's a bit worried about becoming too many, but since it's a workday William does not have the means to come down from San Sequoia on time, and Alice is too deeply involved with some charity thing for the war effort.
Abigail, Anna, Johnny and, of course, Thomas, make their way to the party at least, and for Grace and Hazel that is more than enough. They're delighted to see their big brother again, and to get spoiled by grandma again. Josephine has prepared a fantastic dinner, and after they've eaten both Grace and Hazel gets to blow out the candles before the cake can be eaten.

But even at the best of parties, it's sometimes good to go off for yourself to be childish and play kids games. Or just to make out with your wife when no one is looking. Or so Johnny thinks.

Grace and Hazel are mostly exited about their new wardrobes and hairstyles.

For the adults, a party is always a good place to catch up on famiely news. Josephine shares the news that Harrison (*) has gotten married to his high school sweetheart Bernadette Alarcon, and Abigails especially enjoys the news that Beatrice has given birth to her second child, a baby girl by the name of Gloria.
"Didn't she just have a boy?" Anna asks.
"Sometimes miracles come close together," Abigail answers with a shrug.
"Madison had another child too, their third," Josephine says happily. "Ida is very happy. And Nash's sister is delighted that Althea is pregnant with her and Victor's first," she adds to the huff of her husband.
"I still think that's weird."
"Nash!" Josephine berates him.
"Well I do! Victor and Althea are second cousins, does no one else think that's weird?"
"Either way, they're having a baby! Good thing too, because Morgan was not happy about Victor being transferred to Sulani. Now she'll at least have the baby."
This catches Anna's attention.

"He's being deployed to Sulani?" she asked. "Didn't Harold get sent there too?"
"Well yes, I think you're right. What a coincidence."
"Not really, it's the main port for the pacific fleet. With Japan's aggression it's not strange that they want to make it stronger." Anna says.
"I still think it's shameful that Victor could not take his wife."
Anna shrugs. "That's sometimes the way things are when you're in the military." At this point Hazel and Grace has long since stopped thinking it's an interesting conversation. Seriously, can't they discuss something more interesting?
Meanwhile, in Sulani, Harold is settling into life at the base.

Having been in the military for a while now, completing his base training, he thinks life here is much better after being transferred here. As he writes to his brother Harrison:
Life here is sweet! You don't know what you're missing with all that getting married stuff (congratulations by the way, she's a looker). The commander here is ace, the training facilities are state of the art, and the food quite good. Best part, after we're done with our duties the island itself is gorgeous. Going for a swim, snorkling, all that can be done right outside the base, and if we head to the bar in town there are all these hot nurses from the local military hospital. Decked out in uniforms, they're not all that hard to impress. There's this one nurse, she's gorgeous! I think I might just stand a chance there.
Take care of that pretty wife of yours so she doesn't realize her mistake.

While her babies are all away at school, Josephine spends the day cleaning and cooking to get the apartment ready for the family. With such a small space, she's a bit worried about becoming too many, but since it's a workday William does not have the means to come down from San Sequoia on time, and Alice is too deeply involved with some charity thing for the war effort.
Abigail, Anna, Johnny and, of course, Thomas, make their way to the party at least, and for Grace and Hazel that is more than enough. They're delighted to see their big brother again, and to get spoiled by grandma again. Josephine has prepared a fantastic dinner, and after they've eaten both Grace and Hazel gets to blow out the candles before the cake can be eaten.

But even at the best of parties, it's sometimes good to go off for yourself to be childish and play kids games. Or just to make out with your wife when no one is looking. Or so Johnny thinks.

Grace and Hazel are mostly exited about their new wardrobes and hairstyles.
For the adults, a party is always a good place to catch up on famiely news. Josephine shares the news that Harrison (*) has gotten married to his high school sweetheart Bernadette Alarcon, and Abigails especially enjoys the news that Beatrice has given birth to her second child, a baby girl by the name of Gloria.
"Didn't she just have a boy?" Anna asks.
"Sometimes miracles come close together," Abigail answers with a shrug.
"Madison had another child too, their third," Josephine says happily. "Ida is very happy. And Nash's sister is delighted that Althea is pregnant with her and Victor's first," she adds to the huff of her husband.
"I still think that's weird."
"Nash!" Josephine berates him.
"Well I do! Victor and Althea are second cousins, does no one else think that's weird?"
"Either way, they're having a baby! Good thing too, because Morgan was not happy about Victor being transferred to Sulani. Now she'll at least have the baby."
This catches Anna's attention.

"He's being deployed to Sulani?" she asked. "Didn't Harold get sent there too?"
"Well yes, I think you're right. What a coincidence."
"Not really, it's the main port for the pacific fleet. With Japan's aggression it's not strange that they want to make it stronger." Anna says.
"I still think it's shameful that Victor could not take his wife."
Anna shrugs. "That's sometimes the way things are when you're in the military." At this point Hazel and Grace has long since stopped thinking it's an interesting conversation. Seriously, can't they discuss something more interesting?
Meanwhile, in Sulani, Harold is settling into life at the base.

Having been in the military for a while now, completing his base training, he thinks life here is much better after being transferred here. As he writes to his brother Harrison:
Life here is sweet! You don't know what you're missing with all that getting married stuff (congratulations by the way, she's a looker). The commander here is ace, the training facilities are state of the art, and the food quite good. Best part, after we're done with our duties the island itself is gorgeous. Going for a swim, snorkling, all that can be done right outside the base, and if we head to the bar in town there are all these hot nurses from the local military hospital. Decked out in uniforms, they're not all that hard to impress. There's this one nurse, she's gorgeous! I think I might just stand a chance there.
Take care of that pretty wife of yours so she doesn't realize her mistake.

* For those who need a little who's who:
- Harrison and Harold are the sons of Frank and Emily (I did not decide to name them basically the same, the game did), Beatrice is their daughter.
- Madison is Ida's and Nathaniel's daughter.
- Victor's (Goth) mother Morgan (Nash's sister) is the cousin of Emily and John. Althea Duncan is John's eldest daughter. MCCC married the two and made her pregnant. She is now expecting baby Mortimer.
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