1940s: Glimmerbrook falls
For all the unrest in the world, 1940 starts out calmly for Anna and the others. While Anna is busy training and competing her horses, Johnny is using the downtime of winter to upgrade everything in the house, saying he's sick and tired of the sink's breaking all the time. Abigail on the other hand is settling into the house. To Anna's delight she has taken it on herself to cook, and when she isn't cooking or canning all the vegetables from the kitchen she reads or knits while listening to the radio.

At night the family eat together and then gather to listen to the radio theatre. They sit still with baited breath as the first episode of The Adventures of Superman airs. It might be aimed at children, but the entire family finds the show fun and exciting.

For Thomas, he's relieved to be staying on. School may not be fantastic in any way, but he has some friends, the teachers are okay and he is getting top grades. Most of the time, however, he longs to get home to Bronco who he is more or less entirely responsible for training.

But quiet beginnings are disrupted by the news that Germany has struck out west. Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and France are all attacked, and while newspapers try to give the impression that the assault is met with force, it does not take long before large parts of France is occupied. In Glimmerbrook, the invading soldiers make Creek Side Corner their headquarters, burning that which they don't need or approve of in a big bonfire outside.

For most, life goes on, if in fear, but for some life gets harder. Favreau gets a visit early on, as their eldest has joined the French army and then the resistance. While he has fled, his parents are left with the suspicions of the German soldiers.

At night the family eat together and then gather to listen to the radio theatre. They sit still with baited breath as the first episode of The Adventures of Superman airs. It might be aimed at children, but the entire family finds the show fun and exciting.

For Thomas, he's relieved to be staying on. School may not be fantastic in any way, but he has some friends, the teachers are okay and he is getting top grades. Most of the time, however, he longs to get home to Bronco who he is more or less entirely responsible for training.

But quiet beginnings are disrupted by the news that Germany has struck out west. Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and France are all attacked, and while newspapers try to give the impression that the assault is met with force, it does not take long before large parts of France is occupied. In Glimmerbrook, the invading soldiers make Creek Side Corner their headquarters, burning that which they don't need or approve of in a big bonfire outside.

For most, life goes on, if in fear, but for some life gets harder. Favreau gets a visit early on, as their eldest has joined the French army and then the resistance. While he has fled, his parents are left with the suspicions of the German soldiers.

For Anna, the news of the fall of France is devastating. On the radio she hears the news of the first attack, and then the march through France and evacuation of Dunkirk and in the papers she sees pictures of a house she once lived in sporting the party flag she so hates. She worries about her friends, especially since it seems impossible to get in contact with them any longer.
"Why aren't the government doing something?" she calls out in frustration.
"We don't want another war."
"We already have one! We just haven't accepted it yet and I hate it. I hate even more that I'm so useless. I hate doing nothing."
"I know, but this time around you'll have to let others step up. People who are younger than us."

One day, she receives a phone call. "Madame Lamotte? My maman told me call." A voice in very broken English says.
"I speak French," Anna answers him in his own language. "Who is your mother?"
"Germaine Favreau. You knew her, in the last war."
"Yes, yes, I did. I consider her a dear friend. How is your mother? What is happening in Glimmerbrook."
"I do not know much, bits and pieces. The Germans took it in a matter of hours, we were not as prepared as we should have been. I fought, but we had to flee. We got out with the British in Dunkirk. Me and some others."
"I heard they got out more than 300 000 but I thought it was only Brittish soldiers."
"Non, a lot of us are French. We are training now with the British, to go back and retake France. Some are returning to join the resistance, we have some contact with secret cells. Not much, but it's something."
"What do you know about Glimmerbook and the people who live there?"
"They are safe, for now. The fighting is not there, but some are questioned. Like my parents, because of me. I have not heard of any arrest yet. I hope there will be none."
"I hope so too. Thank you for calling me. Will you call again?"
"If I can, and if I get more news. Pray for France."
"I will!" Anna promises.

"Why aren't the government doing something?" she calls out in frustration.
"We don't want another war."
"We already have one! We just haven't accepted it yet and I hate it. I hate even more that I'm so useless. I hate doing nothing."
"I know, but this time around you'll have to let others step up. People who are younger than us."

One day, she receives a phone call. "Madame Lamotte? My maman told me call." A voice in very broken English says.
"I speak French," Anna answers him in his own language. "Who is your mother?"
"Germaine Favreau. You knew her, in the last war."
"Yes, yes, I did. I consider her a dear friend. How is your mother? What is happening in Glimmerbrook."
"I do not know much, bits and pieces. The Germans took it in a matter of hours, we were not as prepared as we should have been. I fought, but we had to flee. We got out with the British in Dunkirk. Me and some others."
"I heard they got out more than 300 000 but I thought it was only Brittish soldiers."
"Non, a lot of us are French. We are training now with the British, to go back and retake France. Some are returning to join the resistance, we have some contact with secret cells. Not much, but it's something."
"What do you know about Glimmerbook and the people who live there?"
"They are safe, for now. The fighting is not there, but some are questioned. Like my parents, because of me. I have not heard of any arrest yet. I hope there will be none."
"I hope so too. Thank you for calling me. Will you call again?"
"If I can, and if I get more news. Pray for France."
"I will!" Anna promises.

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