
Showing posts from August, 2024

1940s: Johnny builds an air-raid shelter

While the US is scrambling its defences, Japan is on a winning streek. In just a few months of early 1942 they capture several key territories including Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, and the Dutch East Indies. Anna and Johnny are both following the news closely, especially the developments in the Philippines where U.S. forces lose their foothold and is forced to retreat, and as the US navy lose the battle of the Java sea it would be easy to lose hope. For Johnny this is a difficult time, reminding him of the worst time of his life and the trenches of France. But when the government call on all men between the ages of 45-64 to report for Civil Defence Duty, Johnny reports without hesitation or doubt. As a farmer and rancher, the call doesn't affect him much, as agriculture is seen as a vital business. Johnny is told to increase production and grow crops that are useful for the army rather than private use, but it means little less than an increased work load. He off...

1940s: The Aftermath

As the dust from the attack settles, many who are not dead are still in need of care. The hospital, unprepared for such massive influx of patients with serious wounds, hold on best they can, until the worst cases are treated, the less serious cases put to bed, and the dead transported elsewhere. Left are the nurses, too tired to think or even stand in some cases. Some find their rest on a couch in the staff room while the patients are sleeping, others get off their shifts and rush across the yard to the nurses quarters for a well needed shower. Upstairs the wounded soldiers are sleeping, or are unconscious. As of yet, no one has had time to look at their dog-tags, but tomorrow the job of identification - of living and dead - will begin. But also the job of comfort, of helping the soldiers deal with the losses and trauma. The emotional and physical alike. To tell them of friends who are no longer there, of letting them cry about scars that will never go away or limbs that might have bee...

1941: The Attack on Sulani (Pearl Harbor)

In San Sequoia, William and Amanda has settled into their new life and house. It's not very big, but comfortable and well suited for the two of them and the new addition to the family, King Charles Spaniel Doris. William was hesitant about getting a dog at first, but Amanda was adamant. If she could not get a child, she at least wanted a dog. How could William deny her that when the room in the house so obviously meant to be a nursery is now his office? They talk about going to the doctors, but decide that it's better to not know who is at fault, and doctors at the time can't do much anyway. Instead they try to make the best of the situation, using the rich night life in San Sequoia by for example going to see the newest movies such as Citizen Kane and The Maltese Falcon at the local movie theatre. For Amanda it's a bit difficult making the days pass when William is off to work. They are both neat people so there is not much cleaning to do, and Doris is a rather lazy...