1940s: Johnny builds an air-raid shelter

While the US is scrambling its defences, Japan is on a winning streek. In just a few months of early 1942 they capture several key territories including Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, and the Dutch East Indies. Anna and Johnny are both following the news closely, especially the developments in the Philippines where U.S. forces lose their foothold and is forced to retreat, and as the US navy lose the battle of the Java sea it would be easy to lose hope. For Johnny this is a difficult time, reminding him of the worst time of his life and the trenches of France. But when the government call on all men between the ages of 45-64 to report for Civil Defence Duty, Johnny reports without hesitation or doubt. As a farmer and rancher, the call doesn't affect him much, as agriculture is seen as a vital business. Johnny is told to increase production and grow crops that are useful for the army rather than private use, but it means little less than an increased work load. He off...