1920s: Life in Britechester
In Britechester, Josephine is settling into her role as the perfect housewife. She cooks and cleans and wash clothes and take the time to chat with the neighbors. She's getting quite friendly with Olivia, who lives just under them. When Nash is off to class, she invites her new neighbor over.

When Nash returns, he needs his quiet time for his homework and studies. As he works, Josephine prepares dinner, cleans up after dinner or spend time working on her needle point until he is finished for the evening. Only then does she disturb him with tales of her day and gossip about the neighborhood.

But as they are asleep one night, the unsafe radiator causes a fire in the kitchen. Luckily the two wakes up and as Josephine screams in terror, Nash springs into action with the fire extinguisher.

The need to vacate the house to air it out, and Josephine rewards her hero with a massage. Nash in return replaces the destroyed furniture, even though he really cannot afford it. Josephine needs a proper kitchen, after all, and when it's time to pay for the next semester he can just take another loan.

The next night they invite the Petersens over, and Josephine tells them all about Nash's bravery. Their new acquaintances are fairly impressed, and grateful that the fire didn't spread to the entire house. While Josephine still does not like the cramped quarters and simple accommodation, she has come to realise that she can live with it for a while. It's just a few years after all. In her alone time, she is dreaming about the house she and Nash will one day buy, or perhaps even build, when he has come into some more money.

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