1920s: Alice and a rise to fame


In Del Sol Valley, Anna has started to get to know Cora. At first, it does feel strange for her, even though she knows about her sister's leaning for women, but she forces herself to put away any doubt she has. It's bad enough that Alice will never be able to tell their parents, get married or live a proper life together with the person she loves, she will not add to the things that are difficult. And so she does her best to embrace Cora, and get to know her sister's girlfriend well. 

But Anna is also getting ready to leave for Selvadorada. Alice's hallway is a bit cramped as she packs all the things she has acquired. "Do you really need all those things?" Alice asks, but Anna just nods. "I do if I'm going to make it in the jungle."

As they spend their last nights together, Alice brings up the idea of a going away party. "Why?" Anna asks. "I don't really know anyone here but you and Cora." Alice however is adamant. "People like you, and you cannot just leave. You need a proper send off!"

She invites all her friends and some not so close movie stars she knows, and Anna gets to tell them all what she is going to do and where she is going to go. She's a bit uncomfortable at first, but the party ends up being really nice in the end. 

As Anna sets off for Selvadorada, Alice is left alone again. She immediately puts her focus back into her career, landing an audition that might just be out of her reach. The instructions says to have a fitness of 7, but Alice's is only a 3. "Well, so work out then," her agent tells her, and sends her on her way with barely a day to get fit enough. Alice does her best. She goes jogging, runs up and down the stairs of the building, swims in the fantastic pool they have in the day. When she cannot possibly work out any longer she buys books on fitness and reads them to the point where she is boring Cora to death.

At the end of it, she's gotten up to five, but she knows that isn't enough. Will she even stand a chance? It's the first bigger audition she has gotten, and the part could make her career. She gives herself a pep-talk before going. Then one more just to be on the safe side.

And somehow, by some miracle, she lands the part!

She first tells Cora, making up for more or less ignoring her for two days.

Then invites over the co-stars for dinner, followed up by dancing in one of the up and coming hotspots in town. Everyone who is anyone is there, and Alice drops down in bed as she returns well after two in the morning.

Somehow, due to some miracle, she is still not exhausted the next morning. Not only does the shoot go well - it goes far better than she expected. As she returns home, she does it with a promotion and added fame. She is now a B-lister, and can hire a better agency and can skip auditions. Finally, she's really on her way. Soon even her parents won't be able to tell her to come home and settle down, but will understand that this is her life from now on.


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