1920s: Anna returns to the US and the Alice is in her first "talkie"
Alice is thrilled to receive Anna's telegram, but not nearly as thrilled as when she finally sees her sister again. The two reunite in great happiness as Anna gets settled for her stay in the extra bedroom. "See, I told you it would come in handy!" Anna beams at Cora, who just laughs. She too is happy to see Anna again. It's nice to have someone you can be completely honest with.
They stay in that night, sitting up and talking until late in the evening, until Anna cannot stay awake any longer. After all, it has been a long trip home, with weeks on the sea. It's nice to sleep in a proper bed again.
The next day, Alice and Cora take Anna all over downtown. They visit the museum, where Cora works on her handiness for her next part, and Alice and Cora show off their acting skills on the performer stage even if Anna is the only one watching. Then they head shopping, having lunch outside on the streets and before heading home, Alice takes Anna to see their father's plaque on Starlight boulevard.
As they return they take with a swim in the pool, and some time to relax as they dry off before heading back to the apartment. Alice has, of course, arranged for a party in Anna's honor now that she is back.
After just a few days, it's time for Anna to move on towards Willow Creek, to visit her parents and attend Abigail's big birthday celebration. Anna expect to join her before that day, but first there is something she has to do. She has namely gotten a part in her first talkie! To be honest, she is quite nervous. Ever since the movie The Jazz Singer was released in 1927, sound movies is all everyone can talk about in Del Sol Valley. Silent films are still made, but everyone in the business knows it's the new format that will win the crowds. Since the Jazz Singer features song and dance, so will the movie Alice is in, and she has trained hard at both dancing and singing before she hits the studio. As it is a contemporary piece, she does not need the endlessly blond wigs, but gets to perform as herself, although in the right costume. She knocks it out of the ball park! The dancing is just perfect, her acting is the best it has ever been. She is the master of this new format, and she hopes the audience will see it too. As she too gets ready for head to Willow Creek, she feels pleased she has given the performance of a life time.
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