1920s: Anna in Japan
While all this drama has been unfolding back home in Willow Creek, Anna has settled into her new home in Mt Komorebi. It's not very big, but it has what she needs, and plenty of space for Omisco to run outdoors, something she has truly missed in the big city.
Her days are busy and filled with wonder, but when she gets a letter from Alice she forgets about it all as she sits down to pen an answer and wrap her head around the news.
Dearest Alice,
I cannot believe what I am reading! I see your words and the newspaper clippings you sent, but I feel they are written about someone else. Frank arrested? In jail awaiting trial? We all knew he liked to drink, too much at that, let's be honest, and I cannot say I'm surprised by him making it himself, but bootlegging - and to that extent? Getting involved with known criminals? Tax evasion? And that's not even mentioning the infidelity.
Caroline Doughtry? The Caroline Doughtry? Who we have known since we were born? She's our age! Younger than you even! What in the world would she see in Frank? I love our brother dearly, but he's hardly the most attractive man anymore nor the most pleasant. The papers make her out to be some sort of gold digger, but can it really be that simple? There must be more handsome rich men who aren't married out there.
How is Emily holding up in all of this? I do feel for her and the children. John must be grateful to head off to college so he can put some distance to all of this. It cannot be easy for the others. I suspect mother and father are worrying themselves sick. I do hope all of this plays out as quickly as possible, and that the papers soon have something more interesting to write about.
You asked how I am, and I am well. A bit worn from the trip. The train to San Sequoia was easy enough, with only one stop. You'd like San Sequoia, it seemed such a beautiful town, even if I only got to see it briefly. I'm sorry I didn't come your way when I was so close, but the time table would not allow it. I promise I will try to stop by in Del Sol Valley on my return. The ships were a bit of a challenge, as the sea was quite rough. It took longer than expected, as we had to change ships in Sulani, another beautiful place I saw far too little of as the next ship out left almost at once. I think I will want to visit that island again sometime. Either way, now I am here. It didn't even take a month!
The town is like nothing we have back home, their houses built party out of paper. You eat sitting on the floor, you sleep basically on the floor as well, and everyone takes their shoes off. But the landscape is stunning and the mountain perpetually snow capped. I went to look at it - the mountain - only to realise I do not know enough yet to attempt to scale it. I need to practice on something smaller, and read up more, and update my winter wear to fit the mountain. I figured if I line the insides of what I wore in the jungle with something really warm, then perhaps they will be warm enough. I will need better boots, but those I can buy here.
Speaking of clothing, I was persuaded to get one of the kimonos they wear here the other day. As winter ends, they have a festival of light, with lanterns floating in the river and a tree where you hang the wishes for the year to come. They had a large bonfire and did some sort of fire dance that was absolutely fascinating. I will enclose some of the photographs I took for you to keep safe for me. It was quite the night.
Do give Cora all my best wishes, and tell me more about how you are doing (and not just our poor brother). Keep safe and hopefully I will see you again before too long.
Your loving sister,

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