1920s: Alice turns thirty and gets a surprise
The day before her thirtieth birthday, Alice gets a big surprise as her parents and sister has decided that you cannot turn thirty without a visit. It's the first time Abigail and Joseph has left Willow Creek since their honeymoon, and William is eager to see a big city - and to ride the train! There are lots of hugs and greetings in the hallway as they invade the apartment. Alice is delighted, and very happy to see her family again after several years of only letters and phone calls.

After all the hugging, most of the family take a seat in Alice's sofa, as Abigail take over her kitchen and cook for all of them.
"You really don't have to..." Alice tries, but Abigail brushes her off.
"I want to."
Soon they are all gathered around Alice's dining table, talking as if it was just yesterday that they were together. Anna entertains everyone with tales from the jungle, Abigail happily babbles on about Thomas and his progress, and reveals that Josephine is expecting her second child. She is quite proud that she manages not to point out to her daughters that they are getting on in years and should really think about settling down soon. Preferably in Willow Creek or Newcrest. Close to the rest of the family.

Dinner flies away, and only all too soon it's time for bed. Joseph, Abigail and William has taken residence at the newly constructed Biltmore Hotel downtown.

Anna, however, stays when everyone else leaves, helping her clean up and then spending half the night chatting on the sofa. It isn't too long before she asks how things has gone with Cora, but Alice still does not have any good answers.
"I can't go through that again!"
"But would you have to?" Anna asks. "You cannot tell me that no other actors or actresses share an apartment. Not with the prices here."
"As friends, sure, but-"
"And how would you know? And how would anyone else know that you and Cora aren't?"
"But I only have one bedroom."
"And this is the only apartment in all of Del Sol Valley? Look, if this is what you want, you can do it. If it's not, that's okay too. Not everyone is made for living with someone. But don't let your history or your fear make the choice for you."
It takes Alice quite some time to fall asleep that night.

The next morning they all go into town, and Alice persuades her father to do something he never thought he'd do. Several years ago, Joseph's books got him a diamond to place at Starlight Boulevard. He never bothered going to place it, as the trip seemed too far and needless for something so meaningless. Well, Alice does not think it is meaningless, and so on her insistence, he finally holds his own ceremony. Alice cannot wait until the day it's her time to do the same (although she wants more people to attend it).

Back home, Alice prepares her birthday party. Not only is her family coming, but also Cora, as well as anyone who is anyone in town. Looking the part is a must.

All too soon, the apartment is filled with people. Talking, drinking, eating and laughing. Joseph is not pleased about the drinking, and looks on in disgust at the blatant disregard for the law he worked so hard to get into place. But on Abigail's advice he holds his tongue. If she could stop herself from commenting on her daughters' unmarried status, he can avoid shaming his daughter in front of half of Del Sol Valley's movie industry. Even if they are breaking the law. Alice, however, was too busy with her friends to notice her father's disapproval. Before the night is over she makes a wish and blows out her candles. Her wish? To figure out what she really want.

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