1920s: Anna returns home to Willow Creek

As Anna returns to her childhood home, the first time in many years, she finds it just as it was - and quite different. At home, she is greeted by her happy parents and younger brother William, and is soon caught up with all the latest gossip of the family, some of which she knew (such as Frank's arrest, conviction and return home) and some things that had not yet reached her in Japan before she left. Frank's eldest, John, has returned from university a doctor and married one of the Rowley girls. Melanie has left for college. There had been more birthdays than Anna thinks she can keep track of as her mother rattles them all of. Frank's Beatrice and Ida's Madison are both about to age up to a young women soon and might go off to college, as will William and Edward who also have their birthdays just around the corner, and Harold has turned 15 and the twins (who were not even born when Anna left) are apparently adorable toddlers. As her mother finish rattling of everyth...