1950s: It's the end of a decade and time for a question
On Saturday Arthur heads over to Claudia's to check up on her and kids. He's surprised, and a bit shocked to find Claudia in a state he has not seen her in for months, crying as the girls are playing on their own.

"What happened?" Arthur asks. It takes a while for Claudia to sort herself out and start to talk.
"The bills," she finally sobs. "I don't know what to do. There is nothing..."
"Surely you get a pension, from Kirk, from NASA-" Claudia just shakes her head.
"He didn't.. he wasn't employed long enough. They said five years, and he- so it was a one time payout, of what he had put into the system, and I've been trying to spend as little as I can but there just isn't enough and I don't know what to do. I never got an education, my parents never thought I needed one, and there are only so many employers around that will hire women. I'll never get a job at Edwards, and the library require a degree and that basically leaves the bar and I can't work nights with the girls."
"There has to be something you can do about the situation."
"Beg my parents for money? They've offered to let me move back home, which I really don't want, yet I can't see another way." She starts crying again.
"I could loan you the money, or give you the money, for the bills. That would give you time to figure things out."

That offer does not fall out well, however, and Arthur can barely keep up as Claudia goes off into a tired about not wanting his money, of not taking advantage of him, of certainly not being a gold digger... the longer she goes on, the more upset she seems to be, even if Arthur really can't understand what the big deal is. It's just money. And he doesn't make things better when he throws in a "we could get married," into the mix. Eventually Arthur doesn't know what to say to make her calm down so instead of saying anything he kisses her.

"I don't think you're a gold digger," he says when she in complete shock stares at him. "And I am not just throwing ideas around. I mean it. Marry me. We're good together, and we're good with the girls, and I'll take good care of all three of you."
Claudia just shakes her head. "I will not marry you because you can take care of the girls! I won't marry you - or anyone - for financial reasons! I refuse."
"Then marry me because you want to."
"Do you want to? Really? You've been a great help, and the girls love you, but I'm not convinced that you're asking for the right reason." She shakes her head. "Look, Christmas is coming up, and I am visiting my parents either way. If you miss me - me, not the girls, and not as a friend, then ask me properly when I get back and I'll consider if it's what I want. If you don't want to, then I'll never bring it up again and we can just pretend this never happened." Arthur wants to object, but Claudia is adamant that this is the only way.
"I think you should leave now."

So Arthur does. Still, whatever Claudia might think of his reasons, Arthur has firmly made up his mind. He's not one to flirt, or go all in his emotions, and he had never allowed himself to think of Claudia in that manner until there was a real risk of losing her. That thought is enough to make his heart want to stop. And perhaps it's not just Claudia, but the girls too, but that can't be a bad thing - surely?
Therefore on Sunday, Arthur makes the long drive to San Sequoia and Barbara, hugging her hard as he sees her home for the first time. Barbara, however, has little interest in showing him the house, she wants to show him the art centre. "It's more home than home is," she says as she drags him over.

They have lunch at the bistro at Fort Robbles, and after talking about the art centre, and what they do there, Barbara finally asks why Arthur has so suddenly shown up.
"I was hoping you'd make me an engagement ring."
And then he tells her the entire story, and Barbara of course agree, honored that he'd ask her for something like that in the first place.

Once Barbara is certain of what kind of style Arthur wants for the ring, she sets him down with a book in a chair in the studio while she gets to work.

She shows him the ring with some hesitation. "It's a bit modern, bigger than many rings. I hope she'll like it."

Just before Christmas leave start, it's time for Arthur to turn 30. Hating big affairs with lots of people, he asks his siblings if it can't just be them and him and their parents. Reluctantly they agree, save for Barbs who says it's far too long of a drive and she's going to come down for several days over Christmas anyway. The rest of the family meet up at the Rattlesnake restaurant in Oasis Springs (so that Arthur won't need to cook). It's a nice dinner, and as they finish the main course a cake is brought in for Arthur so he can blow out the candles. Overall, it's a nice evening.

Christmas Eve comes fast, and at Thomas's place, they are preparing to merge two parties into one. First, a Christmas Eve dinner with Betty's family, and second Michael is turning 10. For that reason, a few of the Sinclair family are also invited, though the rest of the family will need to wait to say congratulations until Christmas Day.

As nice as Christmas Eve is, the kids still prefer Christmas morning, when the presents under the tree can be opened, at least after breakfast. It's the longest, slowest, breakfast in the world! Does dad really need to feed Steven before they can eat?

At Josephine's, she's busy cleaning. Nash has brought in the tree and is quietly reading a book, while Josephine worries about vacuuming and preparing the turkey. All her hard work is rewarded later when all the kids arrive. Arthur and Barbs are both staying the night in their old rooms, and all the children are enjoying themselves by playing, dancing and talking about Santa.

For Kenneth, however, it's not just Christmas presents that awaits. Born on Christmas Day, he patiently waits for the birthday party he's allowed to have the day after his birthday. Being born on Christmas day sucks! Everyone else gets presents on their birthday!

For Arthur, all those parties has been trying, even if he has done his best. New Years on the other hand, is a celebration he's looking forward to. His siblings have arranged baby sitters and are all going to the Solarflare Lounge to celebrate the turn of the decade, and Arthur has managed to convince Claudia to join them. She was a bit hesitant at first, then figured that it might be the last chance she has if she's going to move back with her parents. They are not the kind of people to allow her to have baby sitters and go out to parties, so she might as well take the chance

"What happened?" Arthur asks. It takes a while for Claudia to sort herself out and start to talk.
"The bills," she finally sobs. "I don't know what to do. There is nothing..."
"Surely you get a pension, from Kirk, from NASA-" Claudia just shakes her head.
"He didn't.. he wasn't employed long enough. They said five years, and he- so it was a one time payout, of what he had put into the system, and I've been trying to spend as little as I can but there just isn't enough and I don't know what to do. I never got an education, my parents never thought I needed one, and there are only so many employers around that will hire women. I'll never get a job at Edwards, and the library require a degree and that basically leaves the bar and I can't work nights with the girls."
"There has to be something you can do about the situation."
"Beg my parents for money? They've offered to let me move back home, which I really don't want, yet I can't see another way." She starts crying again.
"I could loan you the money, or give you the money, for the bills. That would give you time to figure things out."

That offer does not fall out well, however, and Arthur can barely keep up as Claudia goes off into a tired about not wanting his money, of not taking advantage of him, of certainly not being a gold digger... the longer she goes on, the more upset she seems to be, even if Arthur really can't understand what the big deal is. It's just money. And he doesn't make things better when he throws in a "we could get married," into the mix. Eventually Arthur doesn't know what to say to make her calm down so instead of saying anything he kisses her.

"I don't think you're a gold digger," he says when she in complete shock stares at him. "And I am not just throwing ideas around. I mean it. Marry me. We're good together, and we're good with the girls, and I'll take good care of all three of you."
Claudia just shakes her head. "I will not marry you because you can take care of the girls! I won't marry you - or anyone - for financial reasons! I refuse."
"Then marry me because you want to."
"Do you want to? Really? You've been a great help, and the girls love you, but I'm not convinced that you're asking for the right reason." She shakes her head. "Look, Christmas is coming up, and I am visiting my parents either way. If you miss me - me, not the girls, and not as a friend, then ask me properly when I get back and I'll consider if it's what I want. If you don't want to, then I'll never bring it up again and we can just pretend this never happened." Arthur wants to object, but Claudia is adamant that this is the only way.
"I think you should leave now."

So Arthur does. Still, whatever Claudia might think of his reasons, Arthur has firmly made up his mind. He's not one to flirt, or go all in his emotions, and he had never allowed himself to think of Claudia in that manner until there was a real risk of losing her. That thought is enough to make his heart want to stop. And perhaps it's not just Claudia, but the girls too, but that can't be a bad thing - surely?
Therefore on Sunday, Arthur makes the long drive to San Sequoia and Barbara, hugging her hard as he sees her home for the first time. Barbara, however, has little interest in showing him the house, she wants to show him the art centre. "It's more home than home is," she says as she drags him over.

They have lunch at the bistro at Fort Robbles, and after talking about the art centre, and what they do there, Barbara finally asks why Arthur has so suddenly shown up.
"I was hoping you'd make me an engagement ring."
And then he tells her the entire story, and Barbara of course agree, honored that he'd ask her for something like that in the first place.

Once Barbara is certain of what kind of style Arthur wants for the ring, she sets him down with a book in a chair in the studio while she gets to work.

She shows him the ring with some hesitation. "It's a bit modern, bigger than many rings. I hope she'll like it."
For Arthur, who for once knows exactly what he wants, it's a hard wait during Christmas. Claudia and the girls have already left when he returns from San Sequoia, and so he knows he will not see her until they return. Then again, that was what Claudia asked of him, to miss her.
Fortunately, work keeps him occupied. As the news shows fills with talk of the two new states, Alaska and Hawaii, Arthur thinks more about the fact that he's getting a new boss. Williams has been transferred back to Virginia, and in his place Paul F Bickle takes the role as new head of the Station, now renamed as NASA’s Flight Research Center.
On his first day in his office, Bickle takes the time to talk to his employees, at least the higher ups such as Arthur who is a bit nervous when he's called into the head office. Bickle seems reasonable, however, and Arthur is calmed a bit, even if he isn't a man fond of changes. Bickle lays down his priorities, rocket science - focusing on high-altitude, high-speed, planes using rocket engines and emulating space conditions. When their talk is over, Arthur goes to work, testing out new fuel combination, and working on the new engines, trying to get them to work as efficiently - and safely - as possible.

At night, without Claudia to visit, Arthur heads to the bar with his work mates, eating (he really is a terrible cook) and playing cards. He drinks very little, as he wants to stay sharp for work the next morning. Mostly he's passing time.

Just before Christmas leave start, it's time for Arthur to turn 30. Hating big affairs with lots of people, he asks his siblings if it can't just be them and him and their parents. Reluctantly they agree, save for Barbs who says it's far too long of a drive and she's going to come down for several days over Christmas anyway. The rest of the family meet up at the Rattlesnake restaurant in Oasis Springs (so that Arthur won't need to cook). It's a nice dinner, and as they finish the main course a cake is brought in for Arthur so he can blow out the candles. Overall, it's a nice evening.

Christmas Eve comes fast, and at Thomas's place, they are preparing to merge two parties into one. First, a Christmas Eve dinner with Betty's family, and second Michael is turning 10. For that reason, a few of the Sinclair family are also invited, though the rest of the family will need to wait to say congratulations until Christmas Day.
The day starts calmly, with Susan playing with the dog, Betty cleaning up, and Thomas arranging a tree for them to dress up. All the kids help him, as Betty prepares food for party.

The party itself goes well. The food turns out well, the family is happy to see each other and Betty gets to give her new sister-in-law some good advice on taking care of newborns. Gary, as the new baby boy is named, is not there, however, but with his grandparents for the night. "I didn't want to bring him out of the house so soon."

As nice as Christmas Eve is, the kids still prefer Christmas morning, when the presents under the tree can be opened, at least after breakfast. It's the longest, slowest, breakfast in the world! Does dad really need to feed Steven before they can eat?

Finally! It's time for presents, and the kids dig into the presents under the tree. There will be more later tonight, at grandma Josephine's place, but later is later and now is now.

At Josephine's, she's busy cleaning. Nash has brought in the tree and is quietly reading a book, while Josephine worries about vacuuming and preparing the turkey. All her hard work is rewarded later when all the kids arrive. Arthur and Barbs are both staying the night in their old rooms, and all the children are enjoying themselves by playing, dancing and talking about Santa.
When he arrives, Carl is the first one to ask and receive a present.

For Kenneth, however, it's not just Christmas presents that awaits. Born on Christmas Day, he patiently waits for the birthday party he's allowed to have the day after his birthday. Being born on Christmas day sucks! Everyone else gets presents on their birthday!
With Ken being an only child, Grace and David splurges on him. He does not only get a new puzzle, or a little toy. He gets a new lego set, something most others don't have yet. It's only a year old! He also gets his very own pet - a hamster. David has cooked the most delicious food, and made a tiered cake for him, and helps him blow out his candles. Grace on her part, has been redecorating his bedroom to accommodate all the new furniture he needs now that he's ready to start school.

The best part of the day for Ken, though, is when everyone in the family leaves and he gets to play with his new toys. Especially since mummy is always happy to play with him. She loves games almost as much as he does. They build with the new lego forever, and then she still stays to play with what they've built after. He has the best mummy! Dad on his part, takes refuge in his office, reading while Grace and Ken play.

For Arthur, all those parties has been trying, even if he has done his best. New Years on the other hand, is a celebration he's looking forward to. His siblings have arranged baby sitters and are all going to the Solarflare Lounge to celebrate the turn of the decade, and Arthur has managed to convince Claudia to join them. She was a bit hesitant at first, then figured that it might be the last chance she has if she's going to move back with her parents. They are not the kind of people to allow her to have baby sitters and go out to parties, so she might as well take the chance
The lounge has gone all out. There is music, dancing, drinks and food, and a TV has been brought out to show the countdown to midnight. They are told there will be fireworks. Claudia and the others are having fun, even if Claudia is a bit subdued. Even though Arthur takes the time to speak to her alone, he does not bring up their last conversation at all. By the time the clock strikes twelve Claudia is certain he won't and is ready to accept that he spoke too soon. She has to admit that it hurts her more than she thought it would.

As they step outside into the night to watch the fireworks, she is certain that he's changed his mind. That's when he suddenly drops to his knees, under the stars and the fireworks, and proposes - properly this time around. Claudia feels her heart skip a beat, and that's how she knows that she has to say yes. As 1959 turns into 1960, the newly engaged share their first, real, kiss.
And as we're changing decades it's time for a new family tree. I've allowed myself the freedom to add Claudia and the girls, even if it is a bit premature:
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