1950s: It's the end of a decade and time for a question

On Saturday Arthur heads over to Claudia's to check up on her and kids. He's surprised, and a bit shocked to find Claudia in a state he has not seen her in for months, crying as the girls are playing on their own. "What happened?" Arthur asks. It takes a while for Claudia to sort herself out and start to talk. "The bills," she finally sobs. "I don't know what to do. There is nothing..." "Surely you get a pension, from Kirk, from NASA-" Claudia just shakes her head. "He didn't.. he wasn't employed long enough. They said five years, and he- so it was a one time payout, of what he had put into the system, and I've been trying to spend as little as I can but there just isn't enough and I don't know what to do. I never got an education, my parents never thought I needed one, and there are only so many employers around that will hire women. I'll never get a job at Edwards, and the library require a degree and ...