1930s: A scary radio broadcast and some scarier news
While Abigail is busy building libraries in Willow Creek, Anna and Johnny has moved the horses into their winter lodgings in the stable and smaller paddock. For Anna this is a busy time, letting the horses get used to the surroundings, cleaning out the stable and, finally, starting to teach Misty how to handle a rider.

As he fears, the bad news comes later, as mom and dad break the news that because of this new job, they will need to move again. To Oasis Springs this time.
The next morning, on Thanksgiving morning, Josephine shares the news with her sister. Anna can't say that she's thrilled by the news, but she sees that her sister is happy and in the end that is what matters.

That night, they share a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner together, and then settle in to listen to a radio play by Orson Wells. It's a story about aliens invading the earth, told in the most terrific detail. The family holds their breath as they listen.

That's when Nash walks in, having stepped outside for a while after dinner to get some things set up for the move. Hearing what he thinks is a news broadcast, he is horrified, then terrified as his paranoia gets the best of him. Aliens in New Jersey?!?*

Eventually, Anna and Josephine manages to calm him down, convincing him that it's just a story.

His mother tries to comfort him, telling him everything will be alright, but Thomas doesn't trust her. "That's what you always say, and then it gets worse! I hate moving, I don't get why dad can't just be happy with what we have. You're so selfish!"

Anna comes and tries to calm the situation down, but before she has a chance, Nash, having heard his son, comes over and gives him a proper scolding, yelling at his son to show some respect for his mother. It does nothing to make Thomas feel better.

Once in Oasis Springs, they pull up to their new apartment complex and goes inside. It's...small...but clean and whole and in general good shape. With some apprehension Josephine goes into her kitchen, only to breathe a breath of relief. Yes it's small, but clean, and modern and whole. She can make this work. They can make this work - until they can afford something bigger.
On Wednesday, as Josephine is in the kitchen, Nash rush in and surprise her with a passionate kiss after a trip downtown.
At first, Josephine is shocked, then worried. What has got him in this kind of mood? And that suit? Isn't that new? Since when can they afford that kind of extravagance?
"I've gotten a job!" Nash explains happily. "You are now looking at the regional manager for Landgraab Incorporated rental units. Our troubles are over."
Josephine couldn't be happier!
They share the exciting news with the children at dinner, with Nash being extra dramatic about how hard it was to land the position. The girls and Arthur claps in excitement, but Thomas is more weary, and sneaks out of the room and down to the stables. He's heard these kind of stories before, and they never meant something good before.

As he fears, the bad news comes later, as mom and dad break the news that because of this new job, they will need to move again. To Oasis Springs this time.
"The apartment comes with the job," Nash explains. "It's not that big, but we'll be able to afford a house of our own in just a few years. And the complex has a pool!"
While his younger siblings seem to take it in stride, Thomas already hates the idea. Why does his parents always have to mess up his life? Is it really too much to ask to be able to attend at least ONE school from start to finish?
The next morning, on Thanksgiving morning, Josephine shares the news with her sister. Anna can't say that she's thrilled by the news, but she sees that her sister is happy and in the end that is what matters.

That night, they share a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner together, and then settle in to listen to a radio play by Orson Wells. It's a story about aliens invading the earth, told in the most terrific detail. The family holds their breath as they listen.

That's when Nash walks in, having stepped outside for a while after dinner to get some things set up for the move. Hearing what he thinks is a news broadcast, he is horrified, then terrified as his paranoia gets the best of him. Aliens in New Jersey?!?*

Eventually, Anna and Josephine manages to calm him down, convincing him that it's just a story.
"War of the worlds, I believe," Anna said. "I remember father reading it to us?"
More than a bit embarrassed, Nash joins the family to listen.

Far too soon, it's time to pack up and move. Nash has borrowed a truck to drive them to Oasis Springs. The girls watch as it fills up with their belongings. But while the rest of the family is nervous and excited, Thomas is in tears. He doesn't want to change schools - again - or move away from his friends. Most of all he doesn't want to leave Anna and the horses. How can his parents do this to him?

Far too soon, it's time to pack up and move. Nash has borrowed a truck to drive them to Oasis Springs. The girls watch as it fills up with their belongings. But while the rest of the family is nervous and excited, Thomas is in tears. He doesn't want to change schools - again - or move away from his friends. Most of all he doesn't want to leave Anna and the horses. How can his parents do this to him?

His mother tries to comfort him, telling him everything will be alright, but Thomas doesn't trust her. "That's what you always say, and then it gets worse! I hate moving, I don't get why dad can't just be happy with what we have. You're so selfish!"

Anna comes and tries to calm the situation down, but before she has a chance, Nash, having heard his son, comes over and gives him a proper scolding, yelling at his son to show some respect for his mother. It does nothing to make Thomas feel better.
Anna tries instead as Josephine and Nash goes to fill up the truck with the last of their items. "You know you can come and visit anytime you want," she assures him. "You always have a place here. Give it a chance, perhaps you'll like it better than you think."

And then it's time to take off. Lots of hugs are exchanged as the families are now broken up.
"Come visit soon!" Josephine says.
"That goes both ways," Anna answers. "Don't forget us."

Once in Oasis Springs, they pull up to their new apartment complex and goes inside. It's...small...but clean and whole and in general good shape. With some apprehension Josephine goes into her kitchen, only to breathe a breath of relief. Yes it's small, but clean, and modern and whole. She can make this work. They can make this work - until they can afford something bigger.
Thomas disagrees.
Orson Wells 1938 Halloween radio broadcast of War of the Wolds is world famous for the innovative use of "news broadcasts" to tell the story, leading to some people believing it to be real news. Wells even had to apologise for this following the broadcast. However, the number of people who actually panicked was most likely exaggerated at the time and subsequently. Still, I knew I had to sneak it in somehow in the story.
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