1900s: A Party, A Proposal and An Announcement.
Another week has passed in what is now the Whittaker households. After sending his new bride home to his family, Frank continued onwards to Britechester and settled into his new dorm. As much as he longs for Emily, he cannot deny the wonderful views. The room itself is a bit on the dark side, and a bit bare, but it's warm from the fire and contains what he needs. He's there to study, after all.

Not long after he starts to study, he makes a discovery. James, Emily's brother, has chosen the same dorm as he has. Frank knew, of course, that Frank was coming too, as they're studying the same subject - history - but he had assumed that James would choose the more prestigious Darkwing House rather than the slightly cheaper Drake Hall. It's a pleasant surprise. Frank likes his brother-in-law and has known him most of his life, after all.

James settles into the same dorm room as Frank, and promptly pulls him away from his studies to go explore Darby's Den and have dinner. He's not very impressed. "There is nothing going on!" he complains. "And the decor is horridly boring!" He pulls Frank with him to Pepper's Pub as soon as they've eaten. Frank is hesitant at first, after all, their lessons start in the morning, but once there he cannot deny it is fun. With a father who will not touch alcohol, Frank has never been to a pub before, and he finds that the beer goes down a bit easier than he expected.

I'm sure that was not what Emily imagines her husband is doing as she is struggling to settle in with his family. To be fair, their very nice to her, and she cannot fault them anything, but when Monday rolls around, and the girls are all at school and Abigail is busy with Josephine's education, it does get a bit... lonely, and possibly tedious. She does get a lot of cross stitching done.

It's a bit easier in the evening, when the others get home. She can at least always talk to Ida, although Ida only has one thing on her mind at the moment. When is it her turn? Especially as Martha comes over with the news that her older sister, who is barely older than Ida, has gotten married! "It's not fair!!!"

It is true that Madeleine Bradshaw quit school in order to get married, but Abigail does not think that is cause for envy and know Christine is not too happy with the match either. Elliot Sutherland, her new husband, is neither rich nor young, but far too old for such a young bride. It can hardly be called an advantageous marriage, but it was a desperate (and cheap) one. Beggers can't be choosers, and now Christine has one less child to support, and is much more likely to be able to allow Matthias to stay in school. All things considered it was a reasonable match, and one that could hopefully help the family. Christine's hopes now lies that the younger, (and let be honest, based on the standards of the time, prettier), Martha, can find a more suitable (richer) husband. Martha, herself, is in no way jealous of her sister. Just glad she's not the eldest.
None of that matters to Ida, however, who is still annoyed by the lack of progress when it comes to her suitors. From Joseph's and Abigail's point of view, there are a lot of things to consider. Ida's obvious immaturity, for one, as well as the suitability of the two men who has expressed interest.
There are perks with both. Nathaniel is older, wiser, and could bring maturity to the marriage that might desperately be needed. But he is a man of the world, and might find Ida's immaturity annoying after a while or demands on Ida that she is simply not equipped to meet. However, he is also a man of means, wealthy in fact, with a business of his own as his father is long dead. His sister is old enough to be married off soon, although yes that does mean that a marriage would entail his mother for the duration of her life. Then again, that is someone who might help with any future children. Someone to guide Ida. If they get along, that is.
Charles is as young as Ida, and an engagement would have to be long enough for him to finish high school. The wait is in Abigail's mind the biggest perk. He, however, is also rather immature, and Joseph questions if he is ready for marriage. It would also put Ida in the same position as Emily is currently in, living with his family while he is off to university. Not ideal for any party, especially as Joseph does not much like Charles' father, and Abigail is very hesitant of his mother.
In the end, it is Nathaniel that Joseph invites for dinner before Charles. After dinner, Joseph brings him into his study for a serious talk about his intentions. The conversation does go well, Joseph likes Nathaniel and gives him permission to ask Ida out for a date. In public, of course, so no rumours can be started.

Meanwhile, in Britechester, Frank is getting used to things. He loves the modern inventions in the dorm bathroom called a shower! So much faster than a bath. Fantastic. He has already decided he wants that in his future house when he and Emily get a home of their own. He struggles with his homework and school work, and while finding classes can be hard sometimes (who knew it could take an hour to walk across a yard!), he does well. James is less careful, often skips his homework and settles for ok quality when holding his presentations. Then again, James is from an older family of connections. He does not need to study as hard to get the grades he wants. He does, however, find life at Drake Hall dreadfully boring and is talking about switching at the end of the semester. "Darkwing House is just superior, there is no denying that." He doesn't say it, but Frank thinks that perhaps it would be easier to get things done if James does switch.

On Wednesday, Nathaniel takes the opportunity to ask Ida out, intent on finding out if she'd make a good enough wife. He has opted for the park, fully public, and with Anna keeping an eye on them and reporting back to mum and dad if something goes further than what is proper. In spite of the cold, they spend quite some time in deep conversation at one of the benches overlooking the waters, and take a stroll along the waters edge. The more they talk the stronger Nathaniel feels this could be right. In the shade of some trees, he goes for what he wants, giving Ida her very first kiss. Ida is walking on clouds!

Joseph and Abigail, however, wants to make sure she knows what decision she's making, and so also invites the Edwardsons for dinner, watching carefully as the the two young teens interact. Of course, Ida has her head entirely on Nathaniel this night, and Charles, while nice and friendly seems reasonably uninterested.

Having a private talk with him Joseph asks him his views about Ida:
Well that's that. If Joseph knows one thing, it's that he wants his daughter to be loved, spoiled and adored, not just liked. Then and there, he's made up his mind. If Nathaniel asks, he'll get his blessing.
As the weekend rolls around, James has made his decision to leave Drake Hall for Darkwing House. In spite of his mediocre effort, he still manages to get A+ for every subject, same as Frank. Goes to show that even at Britechester, who you are related to matters. Not that Frank cares all that much, all he cares about is getting back home to his wife. After greeting his father he hurries up to embrace Emily. The rest of the family can wait. He has a wife to attend to.

Saturday is Valentines Day, but instead of taking his wife on a date, Frank is the dutiful son-in-law and brings his wife to visit her parents. If there is one thing he's learnt at Britechester, it's that being on his father-in-laws good side will open doors. He is not yet James, he does not have the same perks, and he will never bear the same name, but they are related, and Frank intends to make the most of the connection. Emily is happy to see her mother as well. Back at what she still thinks of as home she can relax more.

Nathaniel, on the other hand, takes the opportunity of Valentines Day to call on Ida, and ask that all essential question. Will she marry him? Of course she will!!!! Provided daddy agrees. To his own great surprise, Nathaniel finds in him the will to stay loyal to this young wife of his, should he succeed in his endeavour (of which he has no doubt. He knows he's a catch). What an odd concept. No loose women to keep him entertained while his wife is at home? Well, everything needs to be at least tried.

As Joseph is at a meeting, he will have to call on him later for the blessing, but he does make sure to greet Abigail before he takes his leave for the night.

That night at dinner, everyone has a reason to be feeling celebratory, especially as Frank and Emily has some fantastic news:

Frank is less eager than ever to return to Britechester, but there isn't much to do. Two more weeks, then he and Emily can set out to create a home of their own, and at least he's leaving her and his future child in good hands. Abigail will help her in every possible way, he's certain.
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