
Showing posts from July, 2024

1939: A War and a Runaway

For Anna, having the house to themselves feels weird and strange. Since they moved here there as always been people around. Kids playing in the yard or doing homework in the living room, Josephine milling about in the kitchen, Nash working with the ranch hands in the field or repairing something in the house... But now the house is empty and Anna is the one who is expected to arrange dinner and clean and do all the 'wife' things that Josephine usually took care of. She's not sure how she'll find the time for that with three horses to train. But for now there is something else is occupying her mind, as her predictions about Germany are proven right. On September 1st 1939 ar breaks out in Europe. "I told you he wasn't done!" Anna says to Johnny as they listen to the news on the radio. "How Chamberlin could be so stupid as to believe him I don't know, but now look!" "Maybe it will be quick, maybe the others will fold like last time," J...

1930s: A scary radio broadcast and some scarier news

While Abigail is busy building libraries in Willow Creek, Anna and Johnny has moved the horses into their winter lodgings in the stable and smaller paddock. For Anna this is a busy time, letting the horses get used to the surroundings, cleaning out the stable and, finally, starting to teach Misty how to handle a rider.  They start out slowly, and then gradually go faster as Misty gets used to the weight and speed.  On Wednesday, as Josephine is in the kitchen, Nash rush in and surprise her with a passionate kiss after a trip downtown.  At first, Josephine is shocked, then worried. What has got him in this kind of mood? And that suit? Isn't that new? Since when can they afford that kind of extravagance?  "I've gotten a job!" Nash explains happily. "You are now looking at the regional manager for Landgraab Incorporated rental units. Our troubles are over."  Josephine couldn't be happier!  They share the exciting news with the children at dinner, with Nash ...