A family update
A family update
While all this has been going on, life has not been standing still for the rest of the Whittaker family, many of whom are no longer Whitakers at all any more.
For Frank and Emily, family life has gotten a lot smaller. Of their five children only two still live at home, Harold and Harrison. Instead they have become proud grandparents of Gordon, son of their eldest, John and his wife Lorraine. Edward and Beatrice have also gotten married, Edward to Britany and Beatrice just recently to Roger Green. While Beatrice stayed in Willow Creek, Edward has started a vet clinic in Brindleton bay where he has adopted a cat and a dog. Interestingly enough, Emily, so terrified for so long of getting pregnant relaxed her worries when she became a grandmother, thinking surely she could no longer get pregnant herself. Turns out she could. She is now expecting her sixth child.
Ida and Nathaniel Preston have also become grandparents, to little Norman, son of Madison who ended up marrying not the man we picked for her (MCCC married him off with someone else), but with Byron Stewart. Melanie married David Anders as planned, and they live in Newcrest. No babies yet, however. As Nathaniel's mother Florence died, and Tessie moved out of the house to finally get married and have a family of her own, there is now only three members of the original family. Ida, Nathaniel and teenage Austen, soon out of the house as well as he's set to start college soon.
Abigail, still mourning the move of her daughter and grandchildren, has been given some comfort by the return of William who has decided that he ought to stay with his elderly parents. He too just got married to Amanda, who also joined the household, giving Abigail a well needed rest from house chores.
Here is the latest family tree with all the new family members. The tree is now so big that it's hard to get it all in one screenshot. As the family keeps growing I will likely have to focus on one side of the family in future postings of the tree.
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