1930s: Starting to rebuild a community

As 1934 rolls around, the mood in the Sinclair-Lemotte house is a bit hampered by the events of the previous year, but everyone still tries to remember the things they are grateful for. Their five healthy children, each other, the house they have, the animals on the farm. And life is better for them than it is for many others. The depression still holds the countryside hostage, and severe dust storms across the midwest, eroding away the very soil in the ground and making farms essentially worthless, only makes matters worse as a new waive of migrants arrive looking for work after loosing everything they had. One evening Anna sees a random stranger going through the trash outside looking for food. Something must be done to help people! Luckily the New Deal has started, and the government try to help with government funded projects, work programs, and relief funds. While Nash is mostly keeping an eye on the many banking reforms, hoping it will stabilize the market enough to give him ...