1900s: A Funeral, A Birth and A Cat

Back for his second term at uni, Frank tries to focus on his studies. It turns out it really is easier when James isn't there to distract him, and he even manages to find something that he truly enjoys. Considering he was planing on entering politics, that is actually quite fantastic news. However, as he is waiting for classes to begin, he receives a telegram informing him that his aunt in Brindleton Bay, Mary, has passed away. Now Frank was never close to his aunt Mary, she was someone he met once in a while on birthdays and holidays, and someone who usually came when terrible things happened, like his mother dying or Abigail falling sick while she was pregnant with Alice, but he worries about his father and how he will take the news of her passing. It's frustrating, being away, not able to leave or do anything, when someone you care about might be hurt. But Frank has no choice, the only thing he can do is focus on his studies. In Willow Creek, however, the news stri...