
Showing posts from December, 2024

1950s: The end of another war

Betty and Thomas arrive back home to the news that the Soviet Union's leader, Stalin, has died. There is large uncertainty of what this means, but as there is also news about the armistice talks moving forward coming shortly thereafter, Thomas hopes that it means peace, and a quick return home for his brother. But mostly, life just goes on. Grace is a frequent visitor to the house, to Michael's great pleasure. Aunty is fun, and often takes the time to play with him when mommy is busy with the baby, who mostly cries and poops anyway. Betty is grateful for the help, as being at home alone with two children and a dog is not always easy. The hours Thomas puts in at the hospital are long, and he's often away and return after the children's bedtime. His hard work pays off, however, and he returns home with information of a promotion to surgeon. He fears that being a surgeon won't make him work less, but he hopes, as he hates missing so much of his kids growing up. To make...

1950s: A new life

Baby Carl is born on election day. As Eisenhower tries to swing the last votes to his favour, and the papers share what little information they have about the test of the first Hydrogen bomb a few days earlier, Betty goes into labour as she's taking in the laundry. It's hardly a surprise. Since they returned from their vacation in Chestnut ridge, Betty has been exceptionally tired, even falling asleep on the sun lounger as Michael plays on his own at times. Luckily it's been summer, so Thomas has been around to make sure he's safe and doesn't fall into the pool. Like his brother, Carl is born at the hospital, and as a doctor at the hospital, Thomas even gets to go with her inside the room for the birth, rather than sitting in the waiting room as was the custom at the time. Even though they've done this once before, Thomas is extremely nervous. As a doctor he knows everything that can go wrong. Betty is calmer, and mostly glad the pregnancy is soon over. Everythi...

1950s: The steady pace of life

As spring moves into summer, life goes on for the little family. Winston grows from a little puppy to a big dog, and Betty finally gets that washing machine she's been longing for, as Thomas gets a bonus for stopping an infectious decease from spreading outside a rental complex by treating all the residents locally at the complex. One day grandpa Nash steps by to ask what they think of his new glasses, and what to do for Josephine's birthday. Betty suggest they host the party at their place. "She shouldn't have to cook and clean on her birthday!" Grace, who is coming by quite often now that she has no job, agrees. Michael and Winston are becoming fast friends, and Winston always knows how to cheer Micheal up when mummy is busy cleaning or tending to the house in other ways.  On Josephine's birthday everyone is gathered in the house. Betty has done the cooking and baked a cake, and while not everyone can fit around the dining table, people seem to be having goo...