An interlude: About the 1950s and a family tree
The 1950s is often synonymous with house wives in big skirts, an explosion of cars and new gadgets. It's also the Korean war (50-53), the start of the Vietnam war (55-75) and an ever growing international tension. So what does this mean for gameplay? The Korean War: 1,8 million Americans took part of the Korean war, of those 1,5 million were drafted men between the ages of 18-25 while 300 000 were a mix of those already in the military career and volunteers. With men between 18-25 making out roughly 10% of the population, or 15 million, that meant that 10% of those signing up for the draft were actually drafted. In comparison to WWIIs 45% far fewer were affected by the Korean war, and as far as the game goes, only Arthur is eligible for a draft. Arthur would have to register for the draft immediately after aging up, then there would be a lottery after the Korean war broke out, and if he's selected he'd have to go for medical examinations to see if he was fit for service. ...