
Showing posts from November, 2024

An interlude: About the 1950s and a family tree

The 1950s is often synonymous with house wives in big skirts, an explosion of cars and new gadgets. It's also the Korean war (50-53), the start of the Vietnam war (55-75) and an ever growing international tension. So what does this mean for gameplay? The Korean War:  1,8 million Americans took part of the Korean war, of those 1,5 million were drafted men between the ages of 18-25 while 300 000 were a mix of those already in the military career and volunteers. With men between 18-25 making out roughly 10% of the population, or 15 million, that meant that 10% of those signing up for the draft were actually drafted. In comparison to WWIIs 45% far fewer were affected by the Korean war, and as far as the game goes, only Arthur is eligible for a draft.  Arthur would have to register for the draft immediately after aging up, then there would be a lottery after the Korean war broke out, and if he's selected he'd have to go for medical examinations to see if he was fit for service. ...

1950s: The start of a new decade

While Betty and Thomas has been wrapped up in their own family life, Grace is finding her way in the world. At her job she has now been promoted to secretary, which is about as high as one can expect to go as a woman at this time. Of course her earnings are still not high enough that she can afford a place of her own, so she still shares her tiny flat with Donna. They do get along well, so it works, even if Grace wishes she could afford a bigger place. "You will once you and David are married," her mother assures her, but the thing is, while they have spoken about it and David is now invited to all their family dinners, he still hasn't formally proposed. And it's certainly not because of a lack of passion in their relationship. For Grace it's a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, she is glad to be free to make her own decisions and create her own life, but on the other this is a state of limbo that she cannot get out of. Is she engaged or not? Should she date oth...

1940s: Christmas, family obligations and a new baby

As Betty's pregnancy progress, so does the cold war. In Berlin, the blockade has ended, but tension is still high and it's made worse when the government announces that the Soviets now have an atomic bomb of their own: Johnny is grateful he built his shelter already in the war, as more and more people across the US start planning for their own shelters. But for a lot of the family the news that Harold and Bernadette are choosing to stay in Germany in spite of all this more worrisome, but Harold likes his new position and he has no intention of working with something else. The news that they are now dating is much less surprising. "Took them long enough to figure that one out," Alice says in a conversation with Anna. "Neither one of us should talk," Anna retorts. "Took us some time to figure things out as well." Betty might like the gossip, but to be honest, she doesn't really care about people she never met. She has her own worries. The pregnan...